From what I heard, Jenner only had an operation, not the hormone treatment.
I could be wrong tho.
· 8 years ago
he/she went through treatments. it is kinda needed. one he/she would be losing a source of needed hormones (testies) and the body needs time to adjust. even now he/she would need hormones to keep his/her body in check. women with a full hysterectomy or post menopause often need hormone therapy since they don't get estrogen from their ovaries anymore. sadly many post-op tend to commit suicide. it is a really taxing thing to the body, especially once it sinks in. honestly it is just a disguise. a sex change is merely a character. they will never know what it is like to be of that gender. and they will always be their birth gender. DNA proves that.
i honestly think it is sick how he/she gets rewards for doing something many people have done before. i see it sick how he can call himself a women, yet never had to know the pain of a period. there is so much more to being a women than implants and an inside-out penis. i am a man, and i have enough respect for women, to understand.
· 8 years ago
Jenner (I'm leaving out the first name so it starts no arguments lol) didn't deserve that award. At all.
Also: you'd think if you were going to change your gender you'd try make yourself attractive.
I also believe there were more deserving people who were up to win that award, way more deserving. I do however think that it was courageous of her to finally be herself, knowing that everyone was going to be watching and judging her. It would be incredibly difficult just to tell your family and close friends, and of course the Kardashians are very much in the public interest so good for her for being brave enough to go for it. I still think the award should have been given to our veteran.
Well,I guess guest here is into older women. Thank you for your input,and excuse me while I go stab myself in the head to erase the mental image my mind just produced.
She's still a woman. She identifies as one and had some (most likely painful) surgery to look like one. Don't get me wrong though,she's still a god awful cunt who shouldn't be immune to criticism.
ESPN has repeatedly stated that there is no runner up and the list of nominees is never released. This, like everything else on this site as of late, is BS and NOT FUN.
I cant fucking believe what I'm reading here. You can be upset or whatever that Jenner got the awards over someone you believe earned/deserved it more. But you do not have to tear into her transition or even bring it up at all. There is no reason to be so rude.
I could be wrong tho.
i honestly think it is sick how he/she gets rewards for doing something many people have done before. i see it sick how he can call himself a women, yet never had to know the pain of a period. there is so much more to being a women than implants and an inside-out penis. i am a man, and i have enough respect for women, to understand.
Also: you'd think if you were going to change your gender you'd try make yourself attractive.