..? I've never heard him say anything homophobic and I've definitely never heard him say anything about conversion therapy? Do you mind providing me a link to back up that claim?
@rwby_rose - look at who's his running mate. By endorsing someone as your potengtial vice president, you kind of endorse what this person stands for, don't you?
Hey, now. He has a plan to deal with ISIS. It's a luxurious and very good and brainy plan.
He just never had the time to come up with a plan for this guy. ;)
· 8 years ago
People are just going to downvote me, as I'm being to sensitive, but I really don't like it when people are calling others "backwards" and other things like this. Is it just me??
When people like trump say it, I don't particularly care, because he's just trying to be an arse. But when people try and say it in a nasty and insulting way, I think it's quite offensive to people who are being called it, and the apparent "backwards" people they are referring too
Or just people who dislike Hillary.
Personally I wouldn't vote for either of them.
He just never had the time to come up with a plan for this guy. ;)