Please allow me to explain the meaning behind "fuckwagon". It is a colloquial phrase that could also stand for "fucking moron". I believe dickburger here enjoys using the word "fuckwagon" over "fucking morons" because of its comedic effect. Am I right here @dickburger?
No he doesn't. Whatever you choose, the result will always be 9.
Conclusion: you either suck at math or suck at telling people they suck at math, because this guy got it right.
Homie @assburger, please explain to this cock wrangler what is going on here
Cause obvious reason!
You think you can make me so math! NO!
*pats head*
Little dorrito
Unless you rolled her into a triangle shaped blanket, by which point, I'll be amazed :P
Do you doubt my ability of rolling people in shapes?
i am an asshole
Figure that one out :P
Conclusion: you either suck at math or suck at telling people they suck at math, because this guy got it right.
I really don't care about all of that though