Hey @dr_richard_ew I'm going to answer your question from the chat. Because you didn't specify a weapon, we made one that perfectly fits your character.
You'll like it, promise
Also I'm good for anytime tomorrow.
I'm just. . . I'm dealing with an issue so please don't say anything if I look stressed
Children have actually been murdered around my state. My fiance is a security guard and ran into one of these guys with a knife. I'm already terrified of clowns and this is just making it worse.
Indiana. We are currently having a huge charity event called the Fall Festival. My fiance works somewhat near where it is. There's thousands of people there every day. Rides, food booths, it used to be fun but now there's an element of fear.
But hey if anyone is in the southern Indiana area, come check out the festival. It's all week long and the only things you pay for is food and ride tickets.
My girl said there was one by her school's library in Denton TX. Honestly i think its just people wanting social media attention though one cant be to careful.
Jokes on you in Hungary we don't celebrate Halloween! PS: will someone dress as me and go up to a group of random strangers saying They love and care about them?... no... ok.. it's just me on the Internet then...
I live in Virginia and there was something about clown kidnappers in my area, so this is like incredibly true for me...
· 8 years ago
You know I just realized something, my phone goes off whenever an amber alert is given out near Indianapolis and I've been getting one every night for the past week... There's also been a lot clown sightings lately...
Ok people are dressing up as clowns to scare others. And its getting hyped all over social media. Most of the time people just want this attention so they dress up like a clow looking to get filmed or they post about a fake clown sighting to get a reaction. Also there have been threats made and only minor instances of criminal nuisance and trespass
I carry around a Karambit everywhere I go, and I've been training in Kali for around 5 years now. I'm just WAITING for a fucking clown to approach me. Bitch is gonna get their wrist cut open with a fancy ass Jaguar claw
It's in Oklahoma. Just found out about clowns with knives and cutting down tree limbs. And if anyone knows anything about Oklahoma, you will be shot in the head perfectly centered on your forehead if you fuck with us \(^.^)/
See, I hate that people are doing this because my son loves toy story and wants to be woody and wants me to be the clown from toy story 3. My ass will NOT be getting shot or beaten up though so I have to tell him I can't and to find something else. Jerks.
... Wow.... This is pathetic. " ima shot me a clown if it scares me on Halloween" that's the most retarded thing I've ever read... And I'm from Alabama.
Well it's considered a threat to your life when they start carrying weapons. And my biggest fear and nightmares have literally come to life with this one. I'm not digging this trend so far.
You'll like it, promise
Also I'm good for anytime tomorrow.
I'm just. . . I'm dealing with an issue so please don't say anything if I look stressed
I won't really be revealing my face if that's OK since I'm saving that for halloween, so I just wanted to say so
We can't save them all, but we need to try.
The clowns aren't the only monsters that will be creeping about that night.
I'm severely coulraphobic and was thinking t his was just a joke. This is real?!??!!
basically this