I would test this to see if you can have hallucinations, but I fear I wouldn't get any sleep...is it true you can have a seizure from sleep deprivation? Cause I have had seizures before...and they're fuckin scary..and I also have insomnia. Not a good combination
Wouldn't it be wonderful... To work two shifts in Monday, spend 16 hours with your family till half of Tuesday (around 16:00 I guess)then go to sleep and wake up for double shift Wednesday just in time?? And then just one shift in Friday ,rest of the day free, Saturday with family, Sunday to Monday till 16:00 you're awake, so one shift second Monday, sleep till 8am Tuesday, work till midnight..... Thursday till midnight, weekend with family and sleeping and again sleep till double shift Monday... That's like two Fridays 16:00-00:00, two 16h Saturdays, and two whole Sundays + two whole Saturdays and two 16h Fridays AND Sundays, plus excess and excess of sleeping, while working normal 40h per week. I mean we should all get this done.
not terrifying, really, just ... usual things, people, trees, chairs, etc. Similar hallucinations happen in people who have very poor eyesight, also. The brain is used to seeing things and when it stops seeing them, it gradually starts producing their own. Old habits are hard to shake I guess :D
Thank you Alien: Isolation!
{}>(BOOM PROOF)<{}