Even if it is dangerous it's the way these people want to live their lives. We can't go around ordering people to be a certain weight, beauty standard, or have a certain amount of intelligence. I mean we can but it's not really the right thing to do. If they're happy being fat or somewhat stupid then just leave them the hell alone. They're gonna die in about just a few years anyway, they might as well be happy and do what they want with themselves.
@needmorec4 I understand that, I just mean it's not okay for us to constantly tell obese or fat people that they're unhealthy. I'm sure they already know that. Especially when they're being constantly compared to the normal weight at every doctors visit. We don't have to cater to them but we shouldn't preach to them about health all the time.
It's only when the claim it is. Of course you shouldn't go around rubbing it in fat people's faces. That's an asshole thing to do
· 8 years ago
@needmorec4 That's true, as long as they aren't lying to themselves and they know they're bodies aren't healthy then it's fine. My mother is obese and she knows she's unhealthy but she's happy where she's at. She may not live to 80 or 90 but she's living life the way she wants and that's enough for us.
Cater to fat people? Like how they can't get get in certain rides and have to pay for an extra seat on the airplane? I think you mean accept instead of cater.
I honestly have no sympathy for fat people. They're all like "My parents were fat!! :( that's why I don't have the self control to eat better ::(((" My parents are fat too, but because I actually care about my body and don't lack the "self control" to not overeat so much you become morbidly obese, I'm a perfectly healthy weight.
· 8 years ago
@fruit_salad Well good because they don't need your sympathy. Some of them are perfectly happy at the weight they're at. They may not live as long as you or be as healthy but they're living life the way they want to. Don't assume that they're all unhappy and complaining just because they're fat.
Yeah, sure, downvote me, I don't care. If they're happy, they shouldn't be. It's not always their fault, but once you hit like 10/12 years old you can start making your own decisions.
@fruit_salad Who are you to decide what should and shouldn't make a person happy? It's their decision and their life and not yours. Don't act like your entitled to tell people how they should be. It's like telling a person that they HAVE to go to college or a person that happens to be less good looking that they HAVE to fix themselves. That just makes you look like an asshole.
I just hate how fat people don't take care of themselves. My dad has a blood clot in his leg that could kill him because of a surgery he had. The surgery was on his ankle and was caused by his weight. My dad could die because of being fat and I know he's not happy. You won't be able to understand my view unless you watch someone slowly degrade before your eyes because of their weight.
· 8 years ago
@fruit_salad I have a mother who is very overweight. She may not live to be around 80-90 years old but her health is fine. She doesn't have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. She's just fat. Am I going to go up to her and say "Mom you're really fat and it's unhealthy. Maybe lose some weight?" She'd probably give me a good slap. She's happy the way she is, she isn't self-concious and she knows what she wants for herself. In the case of your father it's different but I'm just asking you to please not go around telling people to lose weight. They've gone to the doctor, they know what's wrong with their bodies. Don't judge them as a person purely on their medical health or weight.
I never told anyone to loose weight. I just think people should give a shit about their health.
· 8 years ago
@fruit_salad I'm not going to deny that you're correct on that one but I think this conversation isn't worth continuing. Obviously you're going to continue judging people like this and there seems to be no way to convince you otherwise. So have a good day I guess and I hope that you'll follow my advice. I'm out.
And a good day to you. Yes, I will judge them, but not on their character as you said I would. I will judge them on their ability to take care of their body.
@fruit_salad Out of curiosity how old are you roundabouts? Pretty young right? I agree that people should try to take care of their bodies but controlling your weight gets harder the older you get. Your metabolism slows, more for some people than others. I'm only 27 and already I have to watch what I eat more than when I was early 20's. I know that's a little off topic but I thought I'd make that point. Also, from my exerience with people who struggle with obesity I've found they also struggle with depression caused by not being able to lose weight. Or not having the will power to stay on a good diet and exercise plan. It's like a vicious circle. Being able to lose weight starts with a healthy mind which is not easily aquired especially if you have a bad body image which is caused by judgemental people like you. I say that in the nicest way possible.
I know a lot of people who got fat just as an image... what's the word that im looking for... upgrade.. just like, you know, beard or something, you look younger and you don't wanna... So you "grow a belly" . Thin people are actually the most endangered. It's kinda ridiculous when you're skinny in your forties. You either pump the muscles or get fat if you don't like weight lifting. I know hundreds, even sportists that have "thin shame". I really think that's the real issue.
Same thing happened at Six flags over texas and a bunch of people were arguing that they didn't strap her in properly but she was simply too big & they still let her on
Considering the average weight of people in the decade, and the fact that the "ideal" body type was something like. ..um, Morgan Fairchild, "fat" was probably between 150-175 lbs.
I usually ignore all this stuff, but it get old continuously seeing "healthy lifestyle" being used when people are really saying a "moral lifestyle," whether they recognize it or not. Many obese people have a biologically different reward system. It can be overcome, but it is harder than it is for one with out a biological predisposition, just as with any addiction. Don't believe me though, here:
I definitely agree that we shouldn't promote fat acceptance simply because it's unhealthy. But neither should we promote thin acceptance because it's equally unhealthy when you're too thin. Yet many people still somehow have the notion that the skinnier you are, the healthier you are, and the fashion industry is only helping maintain that wrong notion with models who literally have their visible bones photoshopped so that they don't look like the skeletons they are.
Why did me asking what get downvoted??