You can tell a lot about a person by their handwriting. Telling someones sex by their handwriting is about a 50 50 chance though. The handwriting in the pic actually looks a lot like my dads
Dude it's 50 50 because they're either male or female that's like saying you have a 50 50 chance of telling if a fingerprint is from a male or female lol
Oh jeezz, I'm an idiot sometimes lol I was just remembering from an article I read a couple years ago. I think the study went something like they gave some people multiple lists of samples of handwriting and about half the time the participants were able to tell the sex.
@eternal1 Get em,! it eats them up, they think they know it all and when you contradict ANYTHING they have ever been spoon fed they scream LINK!, SOURCE!
I can tell if it's male of female by reading text. Handwriting s a breeze
@aeacus . Fingerprints ,,(arg... like a pirate) ,elementary...... I was doing them when I was a weee little lad..
Of you can't tell the difference you ain't shit... read a book brotato chip..
I can tell if it's male of female by reading text. Handwriting s a breeze
Of you can't tell the difference you ain't shit... read a book brotato chip..