I held a giant hissing cockroach at a reptile show and was utterly grossed out for about 2 minutes before I felt like "Yeah, I gonna take this little guy home with me" My mom said No though :(
· 8 years ago
Misha Misha Misha Misha Collins. You're a supernatural guy.
All humans are supposed to be equal, but some are more equal
· 8 years ago
not to turn this political, but this sums up the now-leaving administration. hillary should have been punished for her misdeeds, but because of her status she wasn't. this phrase was thrown around a lot when the FBI recommended no punishment, despite admitting she broke the law.
The book literally is a political comment but about communism
· 8 years ago
lol, ya true. i wasn't thinking. i was just afraid of being chastised for making this a Trump/hillary comment or something. i always try to make my comments relevant to the picture i am commenting on.
Drazil, are you entirely immune to cognitive dissonance?
· 8 years ago
to be honest i am not entirely sure what are you saying by this. are you saying i don't suffer from this or that you assume that i think i don't suffer from this? i feel my thoughts are extremely consistent, only changing when new information is learned. granted i can overlook or not fully grasp things at times. thus causing me to have to explain what i meant, to resummarize or make an entirely new statement to make my statements more relevant to the conversation. i also try to soften the blow to comments at times, unless confronted. i don't like to be rough to others ideas unless i have a specific person that i am communicating to. it is harder to talk to a large group that are not prepared to listen, when you jump into the fray saying something that goes against their beliefs. though once someone takes the opportunity to engage in conversation, the door is opened and i can go further in.
Like are you gonna put kittens and puppies along with cockroach!?
Taytay is not the same as Misha Collin
I mean it's super dark when you see its real life parallels but still Yaaaaaayyy