Nope. God just created that space referred to in all the listed texts. All theother stuff showed up later. When the Romans figured they better get out of the Mongols way.
Thora, the bible and the quran are based on a set of tales and myths about 3,000 years old, collected in that very area. The book mormon is about 40 years older than Alice in Wonderland. Not saying the first mentioned are in any way more legit, but it's basically different.
The English translation may be that old, but the book itself was written before, during, and after the time of Christ. It's a history of that same time, just in a different place
OK, but what does that have to do with it being mentioned in the bible?
· 8 years ago
Quran said that god has send his messengers not only in mecca but in the whole world. Prophet mohammad also said that there were 124,000 prophets in all througout the globe. Also prophet said that something about being a dark coloured prophet in india callad kahan, which is almost same to hindu god Kanha or krishna who is dark coloured.
God created adam, then took his rib and made eve, they had two sons cain and able, cain kills able then goes to the land of nod and took a wife among "the others".
Where did these fuckin others come from?
Where did these fuckin others come from?
People didn't exactly travel the globe in those days.