Cause the name of the game is no longer individual survival, it's species survival, and a lot of "unfit" genes come bundled with esoteric survival chances in the event of a sudden massive environmental shift?
Evolution takes time. As things change so do the species the change affects. For example, people got paler as they moved to areas with less sun. That's evolving. A theory for future evolution is that our eyes will get bigger and fingers longer due to advances in technology.
Evolution takes time, a primate doesn't straight birth a human, they takes years to evolve into humans. And vaccines and the like are VERY recent, so of course nothing will really change in the past couple of centuries they've been around.
Nah, we're humans. It's what we do. Behavioral adaptation, rather than physical adaptation, is our niche. Time will tell if it works - after all, nature is the one system you can't beat. It makes all the rules about what constitutes success.
· 8 years ago
Well evolution is based off of the weak dying and not reproducing which is now eliminated
It's not about the weak dying off, it is about whoever is most suitable to its present environment. If you have two birds that eat seeds for example, one large, strong, a good flyer, and a thick beak, and the other small, flightless, and a thin beak, and the seeds were buried in narrow holes in the ground, the flightless bird with the thin beak is going to outcompete what we consider the "stronger" bird because it's thin beak would be able to reach the seeds while the other would not because its beak, while stronger, is too big to fit in the holes. Therefore, what we perceive as the "weaker bird" would actually flourish. If the environment changed somehow, it may favor the first bird, or maybe even both, but it depends on which has the tools best fit for their environment, not just the "strongest" animal.
Ehh, life finds a way. We have moved past basic survival, so we will most likely evolve in different ways now. Like, for example, maybe becoming more resistant to car crashes.
Actually, A LOT of those stupid labels are just so people can't sue them if they do it. Cause you get people doing shit like " it didn't say I shouldn't put my phone in the microwave " and win a lawsuit. So while most people do understand that, they can use an ignorance card to get money
Like the infamous McDonald's coffee in the crotch woman. On a side note, I filled a prescription for my pug and it warned him not to drive or operate heavy machinery :)
Actually, the McDonald's coffee crotch case was legitimate. The woman got 3rd degree burns because it spilled while she was trying to open the lid to put sugar and cream in it. Note, she was in the passenger seat and they were in park. I think she ended up having to get skin graphs.
Evolution happens over millions of years, so not unless we've been doing it for freaking ages.
And evolution is survival of the fittest, which is, the most fit to the environment. We are just changing the environment of infectious diseases is all.
Am I the only one who believes progress IS part of evolution ?
You all seem to believe that natural selection is only at work when you leave the weak behind.
But its not, its also at work when we as a species find a way to protect our weakest members. Humanity survived because we adapted and progressed, technology is part of natural selection, its how we as a race get an edge on the other species hence, we, the fittest, survive.
If it happens we go to far with that and somewhat become too weak a species because we fucked up "gene selection" and we somehow dispapear as a species because we then fail to adapt then BAM thats also natural selection.
Fittest is not strongest. Evolution gave us the tools to come up with the idea of altruism and to develop ways to fight diseases and handicaps.
Abel, evolution was never about an individual being but always in terms of species.
Oh fuck crying out loud. Can't believe you people went to school. Evolution doesn't "take thousands of years" and we didn't "become paler moving north". Can't believe stupid stuff I heard here. And for the last time... It's not fit as in fitness gym, or fittest out of bunch of many, or we wouldn't have 90 percent of species, it's fit as"anyone who could fit through that hole - survives" or even simpler.
Evolution is only as fast as the environmental change driving it. Environment changes slowly? Species change slowly. Earth is now suddenly 100 Fahrenheit degrees colder? Most existing forms of macroorganisms are now an almost completely unsuitable form of life. Low-energy and energy-efficient microorganisms flourish until energy concentrations develop and bring forth new forms of slightly larger organism that can take advantage of those energy nodes, etc. Evolution moves in a flash if the environment moves fast too.
There is no way to "live correctly". It's scary to think about, because the society could easily be a survival of the fittest and people fight each other all the time and there will be no laws. Maybe that's the right way to live, but we can't know because it didn't happen. But I believe that we should live in harmony and not survival of the fittest.
... survival of the fittest is what got us to where we are now. As much as living in harmony would seem great, it turns people into pussies. Survival of the fittest is a natural thing basically saying that those who are capable of surviving will, and those who aren't won't. It isn't about being the last man standing. It's not a governemnt system thing, it's just nature.
Evolution takes time, a primate doesn't straight birth a human, they takes years to evolve into humans. And vaccines and the like are VERY recent, so of course nothing will really change in the past couple of centuries they've been around.
And evolution is survival of the fittest, which is, the most fit to the environment. We are just changing the environment of infectious diseases is all.
You all seem to believe that natural selection is only at work when you leave the weak behind.
But its not, its also at work when we as a species find a way to protect our weakest members. Humanity survived because we adapted and progressed, technology is part of natural selection, its how we as a race get an edge on the other species hence, we, the fittest, survive.
If it happens we go to far with that and somewhat become too weak a species because we fucked up "gene selection" and we somehow dispapear as a species because we then fail to adapt then BAM thats also natural selection.
Abel, evolution was never about an individual being but always in terms of species.