it contains harmful growth hormones
it comes from a mammal outside our species
it contains loads of fat
(don't get me wrong, i love milk, it's delicious.)
I don't like the taste.
I had an experience where I ended up eating the skin of the milk.
I'm not allergic, but too much makes me throw up.
If it's mixed with other things, like a milkshake, then its fine.
Tastes bad, negligebale source of nutrients or calcium (some studies have shown that it actually works against calcium in our body), the NATURAL hormones in cows milk are detrimental to Testosterone, and why are we drinking the milk of ANOTHER species, not to mention past the age of infancy where its the only point in our lives where we'd actually need breast milk.
I don't like milk because when I was in kindergarten (preschool) I have a very distinct memory of drinking some while eating cheese at the same time only to choke and and have the milk come out of my nose
· 8 years ago
That's almost exactly the reason my sister doesn't drink milk anymore either
They aren't, they're just alternatives for lactose intolerant a or people who don't like it.
I get the almond milk cuz it comes in a vanilla flavor. Other than that I find it all tasted like skim milk.
I ate a 2 l every single day till I was thirteen, sometimes with cornflakes but mostly with plain white bread. Or with pumpkin shredded in it. Goat milk is shit. Horse milk is fine. I tried cow milk directly from a tit. Taste has nothing to do with watery milk in carton packages.
· 8 years ago
They've actually discovered that milk is bad for your bones
True. I was thinking of like kids colored chalk. Why would you want to eat chalk or antacids to get calcium though? Chalk can contain harmful contaminants
Huh, I didn't know that. I don't take antacids though. It's still just a supplement though. It's probably better to find other sources of calcium than just a supplement
My sister has them around because she periodically has a "rumbly tumbly", as does one of my friends. Whenever I'm around, I just eat their tums like candy.
Aah no! F*ck that. My step dad had a kidney stone and it hurt so bad he passed out from the pain, smacked his head on his desk, got a concussion and ended up in the hosital for a few days until it passed
skin of the milk? what the hell are you drinking cause it's not cow milk maybe they slipped you otter milk or some thing or that nasty 1 or 2 percent or skim.
If you heat cow's milk it will form a thin film, usually called a skin. Quick wiki for an official definition: Milk skin or lactoderm refers to a sticky film of protein that forms on top of milk and milk-containing liquids (such as hot chocolate and some soups). It is caused by the denaturation of proteins such as beta-lactoglobulin (whey protein).
it comes from a mammal outside our species
it contains loads of fat
(don't get me wrong, i love milk, it's delicious.)
I had an experience where I ended up eating the skin of the milk.
I'm not allergic, but too much makes me throw up.
If it's mixed with other things, like a milkshake, then its fine.
Milk film also get left in your mouth
And skim milk is the nastiest of all milks
2. The taste
3. Bad memories
I get the almond milk cuz it comes in a vanilla flavor. Other than that I find it all tasted like skim milk.