This is actually really common here in my area (granted we do it at a trap range, not a driving range). It's a hoot, and a staple at my team's fun shoot
So one day some friends and I were out shooting on my property, when the action bar, which connects to the slide and runs the action, breaks (it's a vintage gun, and a single bar design at that). No biggie, I figured, I'll just head out to the gunsmith and have him order me a new action bar. So I take it to him, fill out my ticket, and head home. Fast forward a month or so, and his name pops up in the paper. Fucker beat his wife and was being sentenced for domestic assault. This being a felony, the county seized all the guns in his house (he worked from home), including my Eastfield. Even better than that, they couldn't find any documentation saying the shotgun belongs to me. So off it went with everything else they seized to be destroyed or sold at auction. tl;dr I broke it, the gunsmith got locked up on a felony, and the county stole and destroyed MY FAVORITE FUCKING SHOTGUN
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! Damn that is some major major FUCKERY right there! Bet the dipshits who were workin the case didn't even try to help ya out. I'm sure ya had the serial numbers an knew all the dents and scratches it had on it so ya could identify it an they still didn't even try to help ya.