They had a hearing on the senate floor a few days ago about this very topic. I believe it was the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? So, yes, it is very much still in existence. And in the US too, no less.
You forget that many people on this website are from other places besides the US correct ? There's 350 million people on a planet with more than 7 billion people. Even then, that's the assumption that there is a power structure that there's no evidence of
You mean indentured servents. Slaves were never freed, hence the title "slave". Also where is your source the the first 'American' slave owner was black?
· 8 years ago
thank you for the correction. i was not sure how to word it. i have read it many times, and seen it in videos where it was stated several times. even some of my black co-workers have brought it up when we talk about racism and slavery. the funny thing is i talk about this stuff in the real world, not just online. that said all i would do would google it, link the first article i find and i can almost guarantee that it wont be a reputable site in the eyes of many people. so it isn't worth it to source it. as the story goes that we were by law not allowed to own slaves permanently. that people came here, worked for their freedom and let loose. many blacks owned slaves. one day a black man took it to court to be able to keep his servant, and was awarded the first ownership of another person. i heard it from many different sources, most of which were black. so i don't feel i have to question it. so take this as anecdotal.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
look into savanna georgia. they had laws that a slave would be able to have time off to work in the town. and were able to make money to buy their own freedom. i visited and took a tour. it was really interesting to see a bit about the past and the places the slaved lived and such. one thing many never think about, slaves didn't work in the afternoon when the sun was the hottest. it would be dangerous and they could die. think about it this way. they were worker animals for people. they needed their slaves at top condition. you feed and water them, you keep them in top health. it is an investment and is essential to have you farm in top working order. in contrast to the standard of living today, the slaves of the past lived like the low income families live today. people look at their lives now and compare that to the world then. it is a stark contrast but even a person living at min wage live better than the rich of the past.
Slavery wasn't racialized until the 15th century though, by Europeans. Also slavery is currently used in third word countries in Africa, not the whole. Like every other areas around the world it has areas that have banned it and that still use it. Like in Asia or South America. Secondly, yes I would hope that the people who globalized and racialized something unjust would end it. Lastly, I do not use slavery as an instance of trying to perpetuate white guilt, but I will not act as if I feel so blessed that they reailized "slavery... yeah a really shitty concept".
Just because a few guest suck doesn't mean they should ruin it for the rest. People that want to spew hate will do it whether they have an account or not.
· 8 years ago
And a lot of users wouldn't be here if they weren't able to comment as guests.
rwby_rose...I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I'm really not. But I notice nobody on here is using their first and last name. We are all posting using anonymity.
Yes,I'm aware of that,but at least we have accounts. We risk getting banned,and losing access to many privileges that come from having accounts. Guests are fine with having less privileges as long as they can say stupid shit,and I think it's cowardly.
Here's where the US became involuntarily involved.
Like get the fuck over it