ARK Survival because it means some dickstick glitched its way into my base and is and will be chewing on one of my precious animals for the next five minutes while I frantically run around with a shotgun trying to find it.
· 8 years ago
Is it a good game? Been debating whether to get it on either my PS4 or Xbox One.
I have it on PC and XBone. It's good if you can afford to sink a shit ton of time into it because you HAVE to log in at least every three days to keep your animals fed (if you have any). If you play PvP, you SHOULD log in once a day to check up on your shitty little base you have tucked away in a corner because someone WILL come and wipe you off the face of the ARK. If you play PvE, you HAVE to log in at least every 5(?)-20 days (depending on what material you build out of) because if you aren't within proximity of your structures for a certain amount of time, other people can destroy them.
The original Tomb Raiders - They were pretty much completely silent with no background noises at all until you suddenly hear something and you're like WHERE'S THE BOULDER?!
"you cannot wait while enemies are nearby"
When you get burgled in the middle of the night
But generally, Fallout 3/NV/4 and Skyrim
Nobody has mentioned the Borderlands games yet???