he's saying "go be an atheist" like atheists are all bad people or something. I can't think how else what he said would make sense... you don't just go "whelp i guess i'll be an atheist now"
@itsamemaria Wait wait wait, sin is a bad thing for us. In your terms, it is doing something bad to hurt someone which if done a lot, would send you to hell. We just dont believe that hell is a real place, therefore sin isnt real but doing bad things to hurt others is something we look down upon.
Yeah. I don't mean it in a common sense "sin" kind of way like killing. I guess I should have word it differently. Everyone should be a good person regardless of religion. But an atheist for example, that does things that go against christian / catholic religion is not doing anything wrong really. Like, idk swering with G*d's name. Is like you don't know the rules you are breaking. But you know the rules, you pretend you follow them, but you are breaking them. That is way worse. (Just a general example not accusing anybody. I hate bad people of all beliefs and love all good people of all beliefs ) I see it as people of christian faith who don't help others or are racists for example. For atheist that person is an a hole. But for true christians that person is an a hole and a bad christian.
tbh i'd like to say i like this pope but i still won't have respect for any of 'em until they stop letting people die of aids in africa because they told them contraceptives are evil.