I don't get it. This isn't a story.
Her needs weren't being met and obviously they weren't able to compromise. They weren't right for each other. Could have been because of 100 other reasons and this still isn't a story.
So why date him in the first place? Did she really not know he was waiting for marriage? I mean, come on, I'm sitting on my couch and even I know that! Unless she thought she could "change him"
She's awful because she wasn't happy and left? I mean the other choice was staying in an unhappy relationship, waiting til marriage (how do you know she's even religious?) And then letting it get toxic after a few more years and then going through the painful and difficult trial of divorce. Hopefully if they had kids they wouldn't be traumatized and grow up to think that all relationships should be that way. Think about things more before passing judgement @chicken_nugget.
why did people downvote this. its true. You can still do it if you want but imagine you get married just to learn theperson youre with never wants it and you want it all the time!
Now let's switch the roles where he leaves her because she wouldn't put out.
You'd see people complaining about him just wanting sex and what a pig and what not.
Double standards..
I see you as an oak tree in dom leather and a leather whip covered in sap.
Carry on.
Her needs weren't being met and obviously they weren't able to compromise. They weren't right for each other. Could have been because of 100 other reasons and this still isn't a story.
I've made it 17 years so far
this girl is awful
You'd see people complaining about him just wanting sex and what a pig and what not.
Double standards..