Fun fact: while not officially listed as such, PETA is consitered as a de facto terrorist organization by several federal security agencies and offices and monitored accordingly, owing to their affiliation with known terrorist individuals and organisations.
The girl is a member of my own species. She has an illness that is curable, but we are currently too stupid to do it. The rat was bred specifically to have research performed on it, in much the same way that many animals are bred specifically to be eaten or provide milk or eggs. It is a sometimes necessary fact that all living things do not have lives of commensurate value. For instance, the elderly will risk their lives in order to save someone younger, since they know that their life is closer to natural completion, ergo it has less value for everyone in the long term. Onus probandi is not with those in the philosophical and sociological norm, but I offer my own opinion for the sake of civility.
We aren't actually overpopulated as a whole species, there is just an extreme prejudice in the distribution of wealth/food/clean water. Even if we were, that is no justification to stagnate research that can benefit millions of people. Additionally, rats definitely are overpopulated, and they can easily repopulate very quickly. Besides, as I mentioned, these rats were bred specifically for this purpose.
both, neither, meh, we are not supposed to live forever, if we die we die, quickly by car accident or slowly by cancer, lets use the money and brain power to solve other issues, we are fragile and badly evolved why cant we accept that
· 7 years ago
Because we are one of, if not the most intelligent species and we don't want to live like devolved animals?
What other issues are we supposed to solve? It would be a waste of our intelligence to just say "well were going to die anyway, better focus on making more iPhones instead of studying science and medicine"
My favorite moments are people going beyond their limitations. We haven't been on this Earth long but i think its pretty amazing what we've created and how far we've developed physically and intellectually. We're animals just like the rest of them but damn humans amaze me all the time.
well that's just silly. animal testing is very much about the how and why rather than if.
obviously we can't do shit without animal testing, not in terms of developing new drugs but it has to be regulated in a way that prevents animal cruelty.
tl;dr: this add is fucking useless since all it does is makeyou feel guilty because you like teh little rodent too and wouldn't want either to die.
C'mon guys, that's someone's baby girl with hopes and dreams and aspirations. Her death would hurt everyone around her, there's nothing sadder than burying a baby. I know it's edgy to say "the rat is better than people" but look at her, look at that little girl.
A little girl or some rat
obviously we can't do shit without animal testing, not in terms of developing new drugs but it has to be regulated in a way that prevents animal cruelty.
tl;dr: this add is fucking useless since all it does is makeyou feel guilty because you like teh little rodent too and wouldn't want either to die.
but downvote because this is stupid..
I am not a smart man