But... we can't, right? Light can't escape a black hole, and a photo involves the interactions of light on the film or the memory... so wouldn't it just be the darkest thing imaginable? A patch of literal darkness?
· 7 years ago
Read the link brianna_22 posted. It explains it perfectly
@johnadams is right. You can't image a black hole like both this macro and the headline of the article are suggesting they will.
While the article does go on to say that they will image the region around a black hole, it's obvious that the headline writer (and creator of this macro) are lacking in their scientific literacy. At least the author of the article knows what the hell they are talking about, since their editor obviously fucking doesn't.
So disappointing to see that sort of headline writing in an institution such as Astronomy Magazine.
While the article does go on to say that they will image the region around a black hole, it's obvious that the headline writer (and creator of this macro) are lacking in their scientific literacy. At least the author of the article knows what the hell they are talking about, since their editor obviously fucking doesn't.
So disappointing to see that sort of headline writing in an institution such as Astronomy Magazine.