As a person who has been in every one of these situations multiple times (except the shark attack. never been shark attacked) I can attest that these are the frigging truth. You never want to get your stomach pumped as a child mistaking poke berries for whatever I thought they resembled at 4. You never want to walk miles out of the wilderness with a rattlesnake bite in your hand. As well, the insulation under you is more important than the insulation over you. I almost froze to death in college twice in the same year because I used to love to take risks. If you're going winter camping, spend the money on at least two sheep skins to sleep on. 4 is better. I've never been warmer in my life in winter than when I slept on a pile sheep skins. 30 below zero, we lost electric, and I was okay. Not great, but okay. You never know when nature will want to dance. So be ready. You know, in your brainmeats.
On the snake bite apply a pressure immobilisation bandage and keep the person calm and as still as possible until medical help arrives. Avoid washing the bite area because any venom left on the skin can help identify the snake. DO NOT apply a tourniquet or cut the wound.
Careful with berries though, several poisonous kinds look exactly like nontoxic ones.
In fact they might taste good, fooling you into thinking that they are not poisonous. For example nightshade is said to taste very pleasant, and wild/bitter almonds can have high levels of cyanide in them.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I heard a good way to test if it's poisonous is to rub it on your skin and see if it causes a rash or not but I'm not sure if it's true
I wish I had known that before eating toxic berries with a friend... We had three or four each during lunchtime and spent the afternoon with a super dry mouth and dizzy head. Although it's now a funny memory.
If you drink bad water, you've usually got roughly 10 days before seeing adverse effects, as whatever in it that will make you sick takes time to incubate. If you're in a bind, when in doubt, drink the water.
if you ingest e coli which is commonly found in water, polluted with feces, there's an incubation period of 1 to 4 days before the gastroenteritis&diarrhea starts. and diarrhea, as you prolly know, can get you killed due to dehydration in no time. meanwhile, a human should survive approximatelly 5 to 7 days without water.
so if i may correct your statement a bit: don't drink the fucking water. for all you know it might have shigella in it or cholera or e coli with the shiga toxin. that means dysentery and, provided medical help is not within a hand's reach, death after a pleasant time of shitting out your insides.
instead, try to eat something. food contains a lot of water. eating a pine cone is prolly a better solution than drinking suspicious water.
i have a fun one to add: if you're ever approached by an angry/hostile-looking bull, smack it on the nose. it should turn and leave.
haven't tried it out tho so maybe it's just another piece of false information. :D
In fact they might taste good, fooling you into thinking that they are not poisonous. For example nightshade is said to taste very pleasant, and wild/bitter almonds can have high levels of cyanide in them.
so if i may correct your statement a bit: don't drink the fucking water. for all you know it might have shigella in it or cholera or e coli with the shiga toxin. that means dysentery and, provided medical help is not within a hand's reach, death after a pleasant time of shitting out your insides.
instead, try to eat something. food contains a lot of water. eating a pine cone is prolly a better solution than drinking suspicious water.
haven't tried it out tho so maybe it's just another piece of false information. :D