Yeah that tends to happen when you insinuate that black people are genetically predisposed to being intellectually inferior
· 7 years ago
Based on the structure of the sentence It seems like he's got scientific proof of it though so he's not insinuating anything. Why he felt the need to go into this is something I don't know but ostracizing him because his results linked it together seems pretty petty though understandable
· 7 years ago
I mean you can't just refute something just cause its inconvenient or undesirable for you. That'd be like those rich business men and politicians who know damn well that global warming exist but would sooner deny it's existence than do something about it because it's inconvenient for them
Is there actually credible data? I couldn't find the study anywhere. If there is then that is some bullshit and I rescind my shade
· 7 years ago
I can't find his specific research though he worked on the human genome project along with other geneticist such as Alan R. Templeton who found that through genetic cluster analysis they found that the frequency of certain genetic variants that led to somewhat lower IQ's were found in higher frequencies in some Africans. However as humans evolve differently in different geographic regions and have inherently different capacities it doesn't hold true for everyone since there's is no genetic material that is shared by all Africans so no conclusive point can be made though I think it's more than a solid enough basis for his theory.
Since it's from the human genome project I'd like to think it's credible but hey I'm just a random dude that did a quick search on wikipedia so what do I know
They shun the scientific proof simply because of a petty race ordeal?
That's like every woman on earth shunning the ability to give birth because it relates to their sex.
Fact and proof are not the same as evidence and theory. The statements that got him in trouble were given to the press for popular consumption. Given his status and the ability for science to influence sentiment, and sentiments pull on science, making inflammatory statements without proof beyond some old IQ tests showing early 20th century blacks to do worse on tests and anecdotes about the difficulties of black employees was irresponsible. If he came out saying those things after conducting a proper study, if he could show a gene sequence that correlated to intelligence and a sample group with some type of unbiased demographic base and testing that correlated it, that could form a concrete base for a theory. Personal stories about blacks being difficult and old census data, tests questioned by IQ experts, form an opinion. If your opinion is race is linked to intellect that's racist, when you have solid data it becomes science. he should know better.
You spoke from your heart, and what I read into your words was the idea that if we seek truth, we must be open to all possible truths, including those that are uncomfortable, and not just that which support our beliefs. From just the information given I can't fault your conclusion, wether or not I might agree I can see how it fits what is there to go off of.
I love seeing how the FS community debates on facts, provides citation, and makes actual arguments instead of flinging inflammatory rhetoric and making ad hominem attacks, even on a topic as sensitive as this. This community is really something special.
What's your opinion on for example being able to pick a child with green eyes instead of blue? Or are you against being able to choose anything at all?
Then what do you mean by not having a homosexual child? Like scanning the foetus when it's already in the womb for the "gay gene" and possibly abort it? Because I do agree that that's a pretty fucked up reason for an abortion. Then again, the people who are so against gay people are usually also very anti abortion so I don't know how big of a problem this situation would be
That one is kind of old but there are more scholarly articles here
That's like every woman on earth shunning the ability to give birth because it relates to their sex.
Thinking about it now. I really should have done some research on the subject before commenting.