So.... nothing has actually been invented yet, the model in his hand is clay, and he's 10. Good on him for having a goal and drive to see it completed but he's in for a lot of work. Creating what amounts to a hand held a/c unit with built in wireless that is linked to a cell network is going to take years of research and work. Best of luck to him and lets hope his parents use that money wisely to get him the education that he'll need to see this through.
And after signaling authorities the parents should be arrested for leaving their children in a hot car. This seems like a good idea but will it just lead to more parents leaving kids in cars(a bad idea all together imo) and what if it malfunctions and doesn't work? Good for him for trying to help though
· 7 years ago
and.. how do he plan to get cool air in a HOT CAR?it's not like a ventilator or something like this could easy do this. even with electronics a devices this size should not be able to cool down a whole car enough.. if it would be possible, we all would have portable cooling devices for the summer we could carry around..but we don't have such devices. so i think it's not possible at the current time to build such a device. the idea is great, but how do he think he will manage to do this tasks? (serious question).
It's possible. We have the ability to have portable cooling devices. They make small portable fans that they sell at theme parks. Of course, it would take a larger scale device to cool a car. It's also be less of an issue if people didn't "forget" their children/pets in the car.
· 7 years ago
yeah, portable fans.. but if you sit in a really hot room, this fans don't gonna help you cool down. it will help you if it's summer and a little warm.. but if you're in a car in the sun and can't get out.. i doubt that a fan this size would help you. not even my big fan i have here help me at the current time.. and here it's just 30°c.. so you would just get warm air in your face from it. the ultimative solution would be really.. don't forget childrens or pets in your car.. take them out with you everytime.. don't leave them in the car. thats the ultimative solution and should be done imho.
I'm not sure where this is found but unless the title was"kid plays with clay"it's very misleading, honestly were this kids parents employees at a newspaper or what?
It's called a "rock", and it is used to brain the aforementioned child before they succumb to the heat without hurting your hand too much.
*cough* I mean it's for smashing windows.
How will it know kids are in the car, and not an empty car?
How do they plan on making parents use this.... an item that could potentially lead to themselves being charged with child neglect and endangerment.
*cough* I mean it's for smashing windows.
How do they plan on making parents use this.... an item that could potentially lead to themselves being charged with child neglect and endangerment.