Isn't that what washcloths are for?
OK, that was unkind. As a guy I would gladly go and buy whatever you need and nod to the checkout person. But like really, you don't know what day you are going to...uhmm, y'know.
Sorry. Didn't mean to offend. My two girlfriends are kinda synced up. So I know when to bring flowers and walk gently.
On a side note. That must have been a bit scary. Not saying you should see a doctor,but yeah none of my business.
Yeah, one is bi and the other is homo/lesbian. I love them both and I am a lucky guy. We have all agreed that money isn't an issue and we communicate really well. And no. No threesomes.
Who ever made this broke the girl code this is one of the do not tell the boys secrets. I believe it is page 87 part C line 19. You will have to see the court about this you might even lose good hair days for this.
I seriously don't know how that can happen, do you guys store tampons just by the toilet? Even if the cardboard box of tampons in my toilet is empty I still have some tampons in my purse, car, horse brush box, my dads car or anywhere near where my cat sleeps.
I always have tampons everywhere too, but that can also be a bad thing, it lures you into a false sense of security. One month i told myself "i have plenty lying around, I'll just use those!" It turns out i had much less than i thought... Had to run to the pharmacy late at night with my make-shift pad :/
OK, that was unkind. As a guy I would gladly go and buy whatever you need and nod to the checkout person. But like really, you don't know what day you are going to...uhmm, y'know.
On a side note. That must have been a bit scary. Not saying you should see a doctor,but yeah none of my business.