She encouraged him for months through texts, urging him to kill himself. When he did try to kill himself through carbon monoxide poisoning, she didn't call 911. After he died she started a campaign for him while acting as a grieving girlfriend and made about 2k dollars before getting caught.
She was egging her boyfriend into commiting suicide, for a few days leading up to it. It was really fucked up because she'd text him like any other partner would ("I love you" etc) but kept encouraging him to do it. He died from suffocation in his car, if I remember correctly, and he was initially going to back out but she told him to get back in.
yeah, she told him to get back in and finish it. She did it because it gave her something to talk about at school which got her attention. She's lucky she only got manslaughter and 15~ years. She deserves life.
In my opinion she deserves what she gets