The man took his who who dilly into his hands and positioned himself in front if the woman's choo choo kachoo. "Prepare yourself," he whispered as he gave the woman his full pasta noodle and moaned in bliss as she yelled his name, "Mr. Poopybutthole!"
This raises ;) a good point actually.
I find it far easier to write and describe a woman than I do a man. It just seems like there's so much more to say and words to say it with.
As Yuki already said, Pipimann and Pullermann translates into pee man, and is mainly used by young children. Pimmel is just another word for penis. Oh and then we also have Lümmel haha :D
Which is also used for sassy little boys.
I am the walrus. ;)
He's good
I find it far easier to write and describe a woman than I do a man. It just seems like there's so much more to say and words to say it with.
Wiggly Diggily Dick
My ding ding dong
We also have Pipimann, Pullermann, Pimmel, Zipfel
Which is also used for sassy little boys.