Those guys volunteer to do one of the most stressful, psychologically damaging jobs in existence, for crappy pay, for an ultimate boss that at times can't be trusted to spend them as if they were no more than loose change. As long as they do it in a way that isn't going to seriously injure or kill anyone, I'd say they're entitled to fuck around a little.
Actually, no. The taste is a bit bad, due to added chemicals. I prefer a water that doesn't have the strange additives in it. Those men up there, and women, that serve in the military, are there to protect our damned freedoms. That is in any government, except maybe a couple that are forced into military servitude. So why be disrespectful of the people who basically are there to protect your freedom of speech. So shut your damn trap and move to live in a place where your freedom of speech is shuttered, or learn to accept there are people out there who have fought and died for your freedoms. Enough is enough of this crap.
i just looked up dam failures in america, you guys sure are terrible at building things.
I am disrespectful to murderers, join the military, go on peace missions, don't shoot foreigners in their own country, defending themselves from you, the invaders.
The second someone invades america, go for it defend all you want.
· 7 years ago
Invading America is like invading Russia in the winter, it's tactically retarded.
Yeah cause Hoover and Grand Coulee are an embarrassment to engineering right? Those two dams, along with Bonneville, basically power the entire west coast of the United States. You're just an opinionated close minded moron with an internet connection.
Listen dude, if you wanna hate on the military and the USA then that's your deal, but honestly you're in the vast minority, even people that don't agree with military action respect the individuals that serve. You on the other hand are just a sad sad little man with no backbone and/or common sense. Have a shitty day Mr DownUnder, hope you stub your toe on a table and step on a lego and then trip and fall into some dogshit and lose your car keys down a storm drain.
I have a theory, cousin it here hates the military so much because they tried to sign up but got rejected for being too fat lazy and stupid and the only job he could get was staring at power meters in the bowels of some pathetic little hydrodam that can hardly power a ham radio.
· 7 years ago
I'm sorry I don't know every country's participation in every war ever. And, by knowing that, I think you're proving betterthanyou's theory true
hooray!!! heres some more family history. my grandfather also fought in ww2 in south east asia, he was a carpenter in the airforce and built airstrips and buildings, he never wore his medals or discussed the war. He only mentioned it once and said he was horrified by what he saw and what it did to the people around him. He said it stripped humanity from their very souls.
He found no glory in it, and pushed hard against the indoctrination of those who didn't ever fight.
· 7 years ago
Mine were brigands and often raided England. My great grandfather was enlisted but never fought. He was an airplane mechanic in Hawaii but never saw combat.
I served in the military, and never once did I kill or shoot anyone. Ever. No, I was not a cook, either. We have been "invaded". Japan made sure to attack us before we got in the war. We were attacked by terrorists slamming planes into buildings. Slamming bombs on streets and killing people. People seem to forget that. We also stepped up to aid other countries that had some of those issues as well. You sit in your room in Australia, because there isn't anything another country would want to attack you for. You aren't considered one of the world threats by any enemies, as far as I am aware. Invading Australia is rather pointless, as is this conversation. Enough is enough.
every one in the military should be like novelus, and not kill anyone, or invade another country. you were never invaded by japan, not a single japanese soldier placed a foot on american soil.
oh my fucking god. Dude... Japan took over the entire South Pacific, China, Laos and Vietnam in a matter of years... in a way that makes Hitler's invasion of Poland look like fucking child's play. Australia was next, of course the fought with the allies. Australia is one of the US's top allies no doubt... but you make two fatal flaws in your argument: 1) peace can be achieved through peace; while this is a great ideal in practicality it's 100% impossible. 2) You assume everyone serving actually wants to kill people.... 99.99% will tell you the hate themselves for it and it seriously ruins them psychologically. You act like everyone in the military is fucking Kurtz. That's moronic.
I think I'm done.
In the one with the couch, that's the only time I've seen ACU blend in well with it's environment. I still don't know why the Army decided that was a good pattern to begin with. Looks like something a squid would wear.
I am disrespectful to murderers, join the military, go on peace missions, don't shoot foreigners in their own country, defending themselves from you, the invaders.
The second someone invades america, go for it defend all you want.
"no, only us shooty pow bang crash them foreign people in their country"-army recruiter.
He found no glory in it, and pushed hard against the indoctrination of those who didn't ever fight.
If we didn't fight them this and worse would've happened to the US.
I think I'm done.