"I think some white people are going against the kkk too"? That makes it sound like you think almost all white people are ok enough with the kkk that they wouldnt actively denounce them.
Or am i misinterpreting this?
I think she said it because there seems to be white people posing among the black people
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Still I don't think it's a great comment. Of course most white people are against the KKK, like most black people are against violent black supremacists and most men are against Roosh V and most muslims are against ISIS.
· 7 years ago
Why you gotta start arguing over EVERYTHING damn. This is supposed to be a feels good post and of course you assholes are trying to start shit.
The post specifically says black people and i was pointing out that fact that there are white people too
Can you guys just shut the fuck up sometimes and enjoy something, youre very annoying to the people actually trying to enjoy the post. If all you want to do is argue, move to a chat
· 7 years ago
If you're just here for watching fun pics and flix, why don't you stay the eff out of the comment section?
· 7 years ago
If youre starting arguments where there arent any, why dont you stay the fuck away from the comments section
· 7 years ago
And who put you in charge to decide on that?
· 7 years ago
So you can tell someone to stay away from the comment section because you want to, but when i tell you to because you continue to bother people, no thats not allowed
And dickhead did you know there are actually rules for comments
Why dont you check them out before you get reported and banned
I wasn't telling you to stay away, I was asking why you're coming when you don't enjoy it. You pretend it's up to you to decide whether there's something to argue about or not though, which I'm questioning. Also I'm generally not insulting anyone (as opposed to you) so I wonder what you want to report me for. Not being your opinion?
· 7 years ago
Im coming because decent people, believe it or not, wont start shit over nothing. I didnt say id report you, but you could get reported for harrassing other users or spamming. Tbh youre just annoying and its kinda sad you dont have anything better to do with your time than to start meaningless arguments
Identitarians protesting a statue being taken down coming into contact with opposing identitarians, both sides with factions looking for a fight.
Also that one asshole with a car.
On the other hand, that doesn't seem to be that case here.
Yeah, when I think about it, how would it not escalate into a riot. Two radically opposed crowds who are not at all adverse to violence coming into contact with one another.
"You are really on Trumps page, that both groups are more or less equal."
They might not be equal, but they're both shit. Both sides are exacerbating the situation. If one or both of them don't cool the fuck off this is going to keep getting worse.
"Without a certain portion of anger nothing will ever change to the better."
What reason do you have to believe that? Constructive anger isn't generally a thing, in my experience.
You're right it's not much of a thing, that's why there are so many problems with shit like this. If people would just stop to think exactly what they're so mad about and why, then maybe they could figure out a constructive solution. I'm pissed off about all the stupid ass killing going on but I don't hate them and I'm not going to go on a rampage and kill the killers. They're confused and shallow and I pity them. I only hope they'll wake up and realize what they're doing.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Yeah, I get it. america is a good example: built on smooth thinking, trying to find amicable and constructive solutions.
You can go pity nazis, I'm gonna hate them. I look at who they are targeting and what they're trying to achieve, and I do the same on the left side, and I come to extremely different conclusions than you guys seem to. I respect that, even when I am 100% sure people like you should neither vote nor procreate, for the sake of mankind, I would still fight for your right to do so. That makes me and most leftists better human beings than nazis. Easy as that.
Are you really saying I'm worse than a nazi because of the fact that I just wish everyone would try to get along and stop murdering one another? Wow that's smooth af. You went left alrite and I don't mean politically.
· 7 years ago
I'm not at all saying you're worse than a nazi, or even a bad person. I implied you're much less than smart, and you just proved my point.
Plz explain how exactly I'm less than smart then? And don't say because I'm American as you assume I'm just like the majority of other Americans because I assure you I'm not, nor have I ever been a follower. I could give two shits what "everybody" is doing or saying or thinking.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
As I said, a very good example is how you could interpret my text above as though I'd take you for a nazi. I used the word "nazi" and I mentioned you in the next sentence, and you didn't only connect this to me calling you a nazi, but even assumed I called you worse than a nazi. As you can apparently read and write, it must be the processing that overstrained you. The stuff about nazis being so pitiful, hoping they'd wake up to find the right way is another strong hint.
Okay, maybe I misread that. I think I may have been thrown off by you saying people like me shouldn't vote or procreate. That still doesn't prove my stupidity and I know for a fact I'm not the only person who ever misread anything because you're deliberately doing it to everything I've said.
When I said I pity them I wasn't only referring to nazis. I was referring to All of the people who are dumb enough to think having violent rallies and seeking to kill each other is "smart". It's sad. It's pathetic. But don't misunderstand me. If someone I encountered in person were posing a legitimate threat to my family I would do what needed to be done with no hesitation. I'm just not going to go out and run idiots down in the street. That's stupid to me.
Or maybe im seeing wrong but its still awesome
Or am i misinterpreting this?
The post specifically says black people and i was pointing out that fact that there are white people too
Can you guys just shut the fuck up sometimes and enjoy something, youre very annoying to the people actually trying to enjoy the post. If all you want to do is argue, move to a chat
And dickhead did you know there are actually rules for comments
Why dont you check them out before you get reported and banned
Also that one asshole with a car.
On the other hand, that doesn't seem to be that case here.
"You are really on Trumps page, that both groups are more or less equal."
They might not be equal, but they're both shit. Both sides are exacerbating the situation. If one or both of them don't cool the fuck off this is going to keep getting worse.
"Without a certain portion of anger nothing will ever change to the better."
What reason do you have to believe that? Constructive anger isn't generally a thing, in my experience.
You can go pity nazis, I'm gonna hate them. I look at who they are targeting and what they're trying to achieve, and I do the same on the left side, and I come to extremely different conclusions than you guys seem to. I respect that, even when I am 100% sure people like you should neither vote nor procreate, for the sake of mankind, I would still fight for your right to do so. That makes me and most leftists better human beings than nazis. Easy as that.
When I said I pity them I wasn't only referring to nazis. I was referring to All of the people who are dumb enough to think having violent rallies and seeking to kill each other is "smart". It's sad. It's pathetic. But don't misunderstand me. If someone I encountered in person were posing a legitimate threat to my family I would do what needed to be done with no hesitation. I'm just not going to go out and run idiots down in the street. That's stupid to me.