^^ Correct
Racism stems from ignorance (as well as other things) and if you show people just how empty their lives would be without people from across the globe, they might just start to understand. Hospitals in England for example would incredibly understaffed without foreign doctors and nurses.
· 7 years ago
Yes, and that is completely understood, but those people arent being threatened.
Where do you know that from? If somebody is eager to cross the Mediterranean sea on a rubber boat, knowing the chance to survive is about 15%, what do you think he's running from? A lack of I-phones? And even if, are you saying poverty isn't a threat? And we're not talking 'damn, I don't know how to pay rent next month' poverty. Come down from your throne and watch what happens in the world, before one could start thinking you're as ignorant as you sound.
· 7 years ago
Look, I get poor people exist. I'm one of them. But I'm just saying migrants, besides the other inherent dangers from fleeing a terrible country, aren't facing being sent back. And their culture isn't in fear of being taken from them.
They are being threatened. Just the other day some german shit kid said he wishes his home was invaded cause of immgrants. I have no clue where his brain has been but safe to say it was a damn stupid comment.
I mean... Theres trying to combat racism and then there's people being against mass immigration where most immigrants refuse to assimilate and the police force and judicial system punish those speaking out against wrong doings than the actual wrong doings
The crime rates in Germany haven't faced any significant rise. Inform yourself and always question those who are trying to gain power on the backs of the weakest in society
I remember reading something about the rape crimes taking a dramatic increase as well as most of the refugees demanding things and leaving messes in other countries.
Also, just because this specific thing is in Germany doesn't mean they're only talking about themselves.
Still not true. Nowadays you can read about Kim Yong Un humping a bear if you search for it. There are tons of websites of both state-run and independent societies for statistics all over Europe and all of these disastrous circumstances are not being displayed. And I allow myself to trust more into scientists analysing raw data than journalists who need to sell newspapers.
As a German citisen and professing European I can say that none of us had to sacrifice a dime of our extreme wealth due to the so-called mass immigration in 2015. Ever since the numbers of migrants reaching our borders are decreasing. For extremely shameful reasons.
I feel like this intentionally misses the point that 75% of people calling for border enforcement of their countries make. For some reason, the more liberal groups like to purposefully misrepresent "I am against illegal immigration" to mean "I am against all immigration and trade." Doing so is inflammatory and causes immediate pushback, solving absolutely nothing. All this display says to me is "I read an article that says white people in Germany hate everybody. But how can I uselessly apply this clickbait to real life?"
A lot of people want to use that as a stepping stone to stopping all immigration. I mean look at trump. Legal or not, he just doesn't care and is doing pretty much everything he can to stop immigration from Mexico and the Middle East, legal or not.
I've never heard a single Trump supporter say they wanted to stop all immigration, and I've never come across Trump saying that. Nobody cares about legal immigration. But the "hating illegal immigration is a stepping stone to stopping all immigration" is a far left scare tactic that they love to use.
This wouldn't be as dramatic here in the states especially for food because the USA way bigger than Germany and therefore is less reliant on imports. Relitivly that is.
What? Belgian chocolates, French cheese and wine, English biscuits, Italian herbs and spices, Swiss chocolate, Polish potatoes, Danish cookies (or sewing supplies) etc etc. How is not selling these products standing against racism?
Well, maybe, just maybe, this isn't fucking about you.
· 7 years ago
You think I'm so fucking narcissistic that a supermarket in G E R M A N Y cares about my opinion?
Third, this was a good argument until you brought up that point. You lost any and all credibility with me.
What was your point anyways? That my opinion is unpopular among the group I affliate with?
But Germans hating the French isn't racist, by and large most Europeans are the same race, what kind diversity are you talking about? You people need to slow down and realize there isn't a Nazi under every rock and a fascist behind every tree.
"I just don't want illegal immigration and racism." As I said before, this isn't about you, it's about the German racists. That statement has no relevance, though I am curious as to why you flipped when I called you out on it.
· 7 years ago
I have no prior knowledge of current German politics.
The majority of migrants coming over illegally on boats are young males, not women and children or the aged. In fact those young fit, capable, men have left the women, children, and aged behind to fend for themselves. Send them back to defend their families and those that can't defend themselves. As for a supermarket highlighting racism, what are they doing to highlight the atrocities of ICIS and Al Qaeda? Or how about the gangs of asians roaming the streets grooming underage children and raping women simply because they consider women to be less than human? Don't come to me with BS telling me to be more tolerant. It's not western countries that are causing the problems.
I get the message, but this is a supermarket, not the political frontier.
Racism stems from ignorance (as well as other things) and if you show people just how empty their lives would be without people from across the globe, they might just start to understand. Hospitals in England for example would incredibly understaffed without foreign doctors and nurses.
Look, I get poor people exist. I'm one of them. But I'm just saying migrants, besides the other inherent dangers from fleeing a terrible country, aren't facing being sent back. And their culture isn't in fear of being taken from them.
Also, just because this specific thing is in Germany doesn't mean they're only talking about themselves.
As a German citisen and professing European I can say that none of us had to sacrifice a dime of our extreme wealth due to the so-called mass immigration in 2015. Ever since the numbers of migrants reaching our borders are decreasing. For extremely shameful reasons.
That's like taking off a dudes arm and telling them because it to combat knife attacks.
I just don't want illegal immigration and terrorism.
Third, this was a good argument until you brought up that point. You lost any and all credibility with me.
What was your point anyways? That my opinion is unpopular among the group I affliate with?