Look we dont talk about the fact you call cookies biscuits or chips crisps or french fries chips. So dont say soccer isnt called soccer.
Dont get me started on what you call cigarettes or erasers.
And cigarettes where invented in North Carolina and yet you call them fags. When we call them cigarettes or cigs for short.
And chips were invented in the new york and yet you call them crisps
So tell you what you call the things made in the usa by what we call them and we will call what was made in other countries by what they call them. But till than WE CALL IT SOCCER!!!!!!
Dont get me started on what you call cigarettes or erasers.
And chips were invented in the new york and yet you call them crisps
So tell you what you call the things made in the usa by what we call them and we will call what was made in other countries by what they call them. But till than WE CALL IT SOCCER!!!!!!
And crisps are what you call chips... Cos they're crisp-y, right?