Or are you just a total slob? If so I still love you but you are not a kid anymore. Come on I will help you clean."
As we were cleaning I would ask was he having trouble with something. Maybe he been feeling depressed lately. This is one of the signs of depression. That and hoarding.
I am really surprised how shallow people are on here. A mess isnt always a sign of a pig. It is also a sign of help. When I went through depression I will admit my room looked worse than this.
When my grandmother lost her husband she stopped cleaning and stop careing because she felt what was the point. She needed help as well.
Maybe the person who made this mess is battling PTSD or the loss of a loved one or much more.
How about talking to them and asking how did their life get like this? Instead of walking away because of a mess.
If you can't handle a dirty room what will you do if they got cancer or was paralysed? Will you walk away to?
Think about it. They let you into their home knowing full well the mess was there. Maybe they were hoping you will see this as a cry for help. Maybe they needed you. But no almost every single one of you walked away.
Thats all I have left just WOW.
"A mess isn't always a sign of a pig"
Isn't always. There are also people who are simply messy - doesn't have to be driven by some other reason than that...
But it's not simply ''messy'' or a ''dirty room'' in the pic
A pile of clothes in the bed is messy, paper spilled on the desk is messy, dusty floor and full trashcan is a dirty room
In the pic is a low budget version of the city dump
Look you all can try to justify yourself all you want but truth is you will check out on someone you supposedly love the second they show any sign of needing help.
And so what if it turns out this is not from any mental health issues or from going through any kind of problems.
They took you home to show you how they live, more likely to see how you will react and pretty much each and everyone of you left the person the second they saw the mess.
A good person would stick it out and find out what would be the core problem to cause this and to try to help them become a better person.
This isnt supposed to be a stranger who just let you in their house. This is suppose to be the person you LOVE!
I just hope one day when you show something about yourself you feel ashamed about to the one you love they don't run like you would do. I hope they stay so you can learn what you should do.
· 7 years ago
This is the person I am supposed to love but I loved a civilized person. Not someone who lives in a garbage dump. The least they could do is take out the trash which is supposed to be out.
No the person you loved was who they were when you first met them.
Not the idea of them you have in your head.
The mess was already there while you were going out.
Would you leave the person you love if their home is so clean they freak out if you dont walk on the plastic mat or if you dont eat over the sink. Or they insist on useing so much blech to clean the whole home the smell is sickening. Would you leave them as well?
Because yet again those are signs of needing help. And of OCD.
Love is see the person for their faults and knowing that they go though your own faults and REALIZE NO ONE IS PERFECT!
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
If the person does that all the time then probably yeah. Let me breathe for a second.
Look I'm sorry I am just a bit disappointed in this site. I been on here for years and I thought people on here was good decent people but obviously when they are faced with someone who they say they like shows them something they are embaressed about they will tell them to fuck off you are to much of a loser to deal with.
· 7 years ago
The let me breathe for a second was not for you, it was for the person I am supposed to be with. And well I also get countered by some pretty fucked up opinions and I can see and understand a little that this is something personal to you, but I always say. Different people different opinions. So people will have different opinions, if people are decent that doesn't mean they can't be wrong, they can't hurt someone,they can't make mistakes. They have their own choices and according to me if I am asshole to leave the person who has a room like this then that person has also the flaw of being messy.
Different guest
Anyways to be fair it wouldn't hurt to give or orkin a call I mean with a mess like that I wouldn't be surprised if there were tons of mice and cockroaches chilling in there
I have an aunt who lives like this. I hated whenever we had to go visit her. Bathroom was littered with used feminine products. Roaches everywhere. Paper plates all over the "living room". Only good thing about this is that it motivated me from a young age (age 4) to be clean lest I fall into her footsteps...and no...it's not that...I would understand if it were that. She's just a nasty person. According to my dad, she's been like this for as long as he can remember. She is an amazing person but I can't with this lifestyle of hers.
This guy I had been talking to for a while asked me out to dinner, so I drive to his place to meet with him, and he invited me in for a toke before we go... Went in, and there was probably 12 garbage bags full sitting against the wall.. Dishes everywhere.. Just so dirty... I didnt even have a toke just made up an excuse and left.. Ugh.
Or are you just a total slob? If so I still love you but you are not a kid anymore. Come on I will help you clean."
As we were cleaning I would ask was he having trouble with something. Maybe he been feeling depressed lately. This is one of the signs of depression. That and hoarding.
But not pig character
Find someone who is into garbage and beastilia
Byebye Felicia
When my grandmother lost her husband she stopped cleaning and stop careing because she felt what was the point. She needed help as well.
Maybe the person who made this mess is battling PTSD or the loss of a loved one or much more.
How about talking to them and asking how did their life get like this? Instead of walking away because of a mess.
If you can't handle a dirty room what will you do if they got cancer or was paralysed? Will you walk away to?
Think about it. They let you into their home knowing full well the mess was there. Maybe they were hoping you will see this as a cry for help. Maybe they needed you. But no almost every single one of you walked away.
Thats all I have left just WOW.
Isn't always. There are also people who are simply messy - doesn't have to be driven by some other reason than that...
A pile of clothes in the bed is messy, paper spilled on the desk is messy, dusty floor and full trashcan is a dirty room
In the pic is a low budget version of the city dump
And so what if it turns out this is not from any mental health issues or from going through any kind of problems.
They took you home to show you how they live, more likely to see how you will react and pretty much each and everyone of you left the person the second they saw the mess.
A good person would stick it out and find out what would be the core problem to cause this and to try to help them become a better person.
This isnt supposed to be a stranger who just let you in their house. This is suppose to be the person you LOVE!
I just hope one day when you show something about yourself you feel ashamed about to the one you love they don't run like you would do. I hope they stay so you can learn what you should do.
Not the idea of them you have in your head.
The mess was already there while you were going out.
Would you leave the person you love if their home is so clean they freak out if you dont walk on the plastic mat or if you dont eat over the sink. Or they insist on useing so much blech to clean the whole home the smell is sickening. Would you leave them as well?
Because yet again those are signs of needing help. And of OCD.
Love is see the person for their faults and knowing that they go though your own faults and REALIZE NO ONE IS PERFECT!
Anyways to be fair it wouldn't hurt to give or orkin a call I mean with a mess like that I wouldn't be surprised if there were tons of mice and cockroaches chilling in there