Okay but kindergarteners shouldn't even be on Instagram and even if they're on the internet those parents need to be monitoring their children's browsing so if its anyone's fault its the parents if their kids looked up and found their teachers Instagram
That's a really dumb reason not to want someone to teach your kids
But I also think her saying that she has zero intend to be sexual is an obvious lie
Or at least she definitely intends to be sexy
But being sexy in social networks is her choice and they aren't like super revealing or pornlike or anything
And kindergarten! Why on earth your kids even go on social network when they're 4 something!?
Bad, bad russian... Where are words about KGB and Putin? Lie must be perfect. At first, she deleted her first account. At second, this one contained obscene language. At third, she created second account. At fourth, she placed photos of children without parents agreement.
But I also think her saying that she has zero intend to be sexual is an obvious lie
Or at least she definitely intends to be sexy
But being sexy in social networks is her choice and they aren't like super revealing or pornlike or anything
And kindergarten! Why on earth your kids even go on social network when they're 4 something!?