You had to pause for the phone to realise you picked the letter you wanted and move over so you could pick the next letter or it would just write over the letter you just wrote. So instead of "Hey" you will end up with "Y"
How old was your phone lol. Because mine you had to type the letter wait type the letter wait type the letter. And just like I said if I didnt wait it would delete what I just wrote.
Yeah lol 1999 nokia lol we had to wait. I was 17 the phone was my Dads and I used it when I would be out all night with friends.
I wish I had a 2005 phone back than what I had to use looked more like a walkie talkie. Lol
Number 17 not all machines worked that way. Some the only way to rewind was to hit play than rewind. It would show the whole movie im reverse. And you had to keep the tv on so you can make sure the machine didnt eat the tape which was another problem.
Oh man. Eat the tape. Now there's a bit of nostalgia I DON'T miss. If you were lucky, you could disentangle it without breaking itx but forevermore, that spot was ruined.
Every time it came around the audio would go all blurble-blurbley and the machine would make a funny whining noise.
I remember playing the computer games "Myst III: Exile" and "Myst II: Riven", which each came as a set of four CD disks (one for each world/level). It was pretty fun!
I wish I had a 2005 phone back than what I had to use looked more like a walkie talkie. Lol
And number 17? Yeah, you were an idiot if you did that. Push stop first, then rewind.
Every time it came around the audio would go all blurble-blurbley and the machine would make a funny whining noise.