They do hate foreigners and judge most of them if not all. I've read somewhere that Japan is one of the most xenophobic places. If i find the article i will post it.
Well, where did it happen? China? Japan? Missouri? Context matters. If you were all in Japan at the time, it would be an easy mistake to make. If you were in Missouri, then they're just being dumb for assuming you are foreigners. America is a melting pot of races. If in China, then they're really stupid for not looking up a basic greeting for the country they're in.
Probably America, if it were in a different country, it could probably just be written off as a stupid tourist. Though, in general, there's a weird sort of problem where people will assume you're a foreigner if you're asian, even if you've lived in America all your life.
· 7 years ago
No offence but, generally you can tell apart a Chinese and a Japanese. Their accents are different and even though all Asians look alike, they look different.
· 7 years ago
Aaaaaand. There we go. Can't even tell the truth anymore.
Asians can be told apart. If you can't do it than perhaps you have some less knowledge regarding other cultures.
· 7 years ago
Since I grew up somewhere that's 85% white, yeah. I don't know much about other cultures. I still find learning about them fascinating. If you put a Chinese person and a Japanese person in front of me, I could probably see a difference, but I wouldn't know which is which. Not everyone grows up in a multicultural environment. There were probably less than a dozen people of Asian descent in my high school graduating class, and I can only think of 3 African-American classmates. Hispanics were probably about 10% of my class, maybe less. And then a few Polynesians.
· 7 years ago
Yup that's fine. People don't know everything in the world. We should always keep learning. But if you don't even try to learn and just go like,"All Asians look the same" then I think perhaps something is wrong with you. Try to at least learn and understand from where they are. Because it really not offends or hurts, but bugs people when people do stuff like this.
You know what. I have a close friend who is Korean. When I got over my sheepishness and flat out asked her how to tell Asian students apart (we go to a school with a lot of international students from China and a few from Korea) she literally said to be honest there's no way to tell from appearances, they just FEEL that race. Like they FEEL Japanese. I've learned to tell apart the languages easily now but from the people I have no idea.
People are too sensitive, why does this guy feel offended. just correct him and move on, geez does every little small thing need to be seen as disrespectful or degrading. Now everyone should comment and have there 5 cents and scream outrage. WTF is wrong with people?
· 7 years ago
Difference is, the Asian guy isn’t a foreigner on vacation
Just to be clear, the “howdy partner” thing is kinda racist too (not really racist but I don’thave a better term for it)
Stereotypical maybe. One of my Australian friends says things like "howdy, y'all" to me because I'm from Texas. And in return I say things to him like "let's throw a shrimp on the barbie, cunt!" Then we rofl.
This phrase actually frustrates me so much because we don’t even call them shrimp in Aus. The phrase was just created for an ad to make Australia a more popular tourist destination so they used “shrimp” so that Americans would know what the f we were talking about
Asians can be told apart. If you can't do it than perhaps you have some less knowledge regarding other cultures.
Just to be clear, the “howdy partner” thing is kinda racist too (not really racist but I don’thave a better term for it)