That's actually what Monopoly was invented for. It was intended to demonstrate how unregulated capitalism gets unfair very fast and makes people adversarial.
It seriously works too. Monopoly games always get intense AF. A game like Life or something you can enjoy without really trying to "win" since it can produce some really funny instances... like having triplets after you graduate from college and get the worst possible job you can get. Monopoly means flat out war though.
Capitalism is the only system that promotes hard work whereas socialism and communism does not promote hard work and punishes hard work by taxing them more. They fail to realize that taking money from rich people does not in fact promote a healthier economy but hurt it seeing as rich people create businesses which create jobs for lower class to middle class people.
Then how come the last time we deregulated/untaxed businesses and high-end personal incomes this thoroughly the stock market crashed and didn't finish recovering until we got into a major war?
Oh, god, don't make me think about bitcoin. That whole bubble is a tremendous risk management failure, and we all should have learned our lesson about that sort of thing from 2008. Apparently, though, all we learned from that is "overextending leverage is a bad thing," which, honestly, is something your parents teach you when you're like five and they tell you not to loan that toy your friend loaned you to another kid.
Hard work doesn't translate to wealth generation though. A hard working teacher will never become a multi-millionaire just on their salary, but most work 10x more than the top 1% does besides a small handful.
people who live in the 1% tend to work really fricken hard 80 percent of all millionaires are 1st generation and they tend to create bigger businesses which takes a lot more work than being a teacher. You cant compare a professor to bill gates who has produced one of the largest companies if not the largest in the world creating millions of jobs.
You think Bill Gates is still running day to day operations at microsoft? I don't think so. He may answer a few emails a day and consult with long term strategy, but he's not busting his ass for 70 hours a week
but he did and i would say he brought one of the largest and most valuable companies into existence which everyone uses if he doesnt work now he probably has deserved his money and should be able to rest.
Well, no shit, you have more time to sign pieces of paper when you don't do any of the grunt work. Also, they have a *major* problem with not being interested in any project they won't get a bunch of public recognition for, which tends to subvert funds from the actual charity work towards golf carts and hors d'ouevres.
Lol this is even funnier because most charities are founded by rich people who tackle very difficult problems. And you said that they are only interested in public recognition, which is a self fufilling fallacy because nobody would know if they did it in secrecy lol. Like most social work, it's always beneficial to get more public recognition. hahahahaha
I never said they should be *legally obligated* to spend out of their wealth for charitable purposes. I just said it's a valid reason to dislike them that few of them actually do anything that indicates concern for individual human beings as well as the system that keeps us supported. You can *serve a function in society* without actually doing anything morally good.
Think Bitcoin.