In quite a few US states, rape is defined as a male and female with male being the rapist. A man cannot be raped and a woman cannot rape someone. Particularly in Georgia where it is defined as the genital penetration of a vagina with a penis. So no such thing as butt rape either.
I believe we need posters about how HE can be raped and that men are a victim just as much as women.
Ok spidey as always I'm gonna have to play devil's advocate here. Yeah it's obvious but you have to realize how much it's just ignored. It's like people never acknowledging the presence of water.
Water is definitely wet. Being wet is defined as having water molecules sticking to a surface. And since water molecules stick to each other, any two or more water molecules that are touching each other are in fact wet.
I believe we need posters about how HE can be raped and that men are a victim just as much as women.
That perfectly defines water molecules.