It's nature and nurture in combination. You can have all the similarities and that but generally if the bad traits aren't allowed to grow then no problem will occur.
No. Psychopathy is completely nature and nurture has little effect on their behaviors later in life. Not all psychopaths are criminals but 90%~ are and that can't be chalked up to nurture. The bad traits aren't being "allowed to grow". They are born into the person. A psychopath is a psychopath from the moment they are born until the moment they die and nothing can change that in today's world.
· 7 years ago
Oh look, we're taking this from a nihilist born psychopath.
No, but it is the easiest to explain hence why I said "more accurate". I have ASPD but nobody knows what that is so it's easier to say sociopath in casual talk. I have very low levels of empathy for very few people and no empathy for everyone else.
The conditions for me feeling something towards people are actually kinda difficult to pin down. I've noticed that seeing someone as a possible romantic partner can make me feel something temporarily, but that usually goes away after a week or so. I'm working on discovering a more precise reason why I can feel empathy for a few but nothing for most.
· 7 years ago
I'm assuming that stands for Anti Social Personality Disorder or similar?
The conditions for me feeling something towards people are actually kinda difficult to pin down. I've noticed that seeing someone as a possible romantic partner can make me feel something temporarily, but that usually goes away after a week or so. I'm working on discovering a more precise reason why I can feel empathy for a few but nothing for most.