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· 7 years ago
This person is clearly a decent criminal
· 7 years ago
But together can make you sexy
· 7 years ago
People with their whole face tattooed aren't sexy
· 7 years ago
Well...that's just like..your opinion man.
· 7 years ago
Cartelleros wear ties, and they're the worst monsters I've ever seen.
· 7 years ago
Tattoos don't make you look criminal, they make you look unprofessional. A tie makes you look professional. If you show up to an interview with sweats and an old t-shirt you're not going to get the job, just like if you show up to an interview with your face or knuckles tattooed. No one thinks tattoos make you look like a criminal but they do make you look unprofessional. As for "Those that judge all the time", employers and interviewers can and will judge you based on your professionalism, so if you don't wanted to be judged by your tattoos i recommend getting tattoos in coverable areas so you don't jeopardize a job.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
It doesn't matter if you dont see them as unprofessional, it doesn't matter if anyone sees them that way, but that's the stigma around them. This isn't my personal opinion its just the facts of the job market we are all a part of. Just as wearing a bandana around your head to an interview or a big pink bow, the stigma that something being seen as unprofessional is still there. I'm not really sure why, whether its because of gangs/crimes/inmates being associated with tattoos, or if its something religious/cultural, or if tattoos are just considered rebellious or immature, but you can't deny the stigma that tattoos are unprofessional. The stigma around them is what makes them unprofessional it has nothing to do with what the tattoo is. Technically the man who has tiger stripes tattooed all over his face doesn't have anything violent or obscene, but he definitely doesn't look professional.
· 7 years ago
Everyone is aware of the stigma and many choose to still get visible tattoos anyway, which is fine, but if you have trouble getting a job because of them, you might should have chosen a different location. Of course this will likely change in the future, just as employers have already become a little more comfortable with visible tattoos. But as for the current situation, that stigma of tattoos is still around. Its better to get them somewhere coverable, than to hope employers will overlook them, it's not worth the job opportunities.
· 7 years ago
That was well put. I would also add that unlike what various people would like to believe just because you don't think something should be treated a certain way doesn't mean it won't be. In our "modern" society we're being told that everyone should just accept what anyone does/acts/wears as an expression of who they are without judgement or negative effects. This is not reality. It's not going to be reality. To try and force this to be the "reality" then get upset when it doesn't work is pointless and counterproductive. Instead it is better to accept that things will always be judged certain ways and then do our best, in turn, to not judge them that way.
· 7 years ago
Literally nobody thinks that a tattoo makes you a criminal just because some people don't like tattoos doesn't make them think you are a criminal