A smile is polite. Not small talk, not a handshake. Just smile and be on your way.
And see about getting a concealed carry permit, because creeps don't give much of a damn about being brushed off.
· 7 years ago
In fact, that might make them work harder.
· 7 years ago
Seriously, more women need and little boom boom on their waist so no one gets the wrong idea. Or if they do, maybe they can regret it in hell.
· 7 years ago
Carrying a gun or any weapon isn't legal in all countries (like here in the UK pepper spray and tasers are illegal).
That girl wasn't lucky. But I don't agree on the smile thing : as famousone said, it's only polite. I've had older, bigger men in the street trying to hit on me before, I just smiled, said no, have a ince day. I used to live in a bad neighbourhood where having a vagina meant not being able to walk or ride the bus quietly, and if I noticed somthing, it's that the ones that try to engage conversation almost never insist if you say no and don't enter in their game. The real danger (back there at least) comes from the one who don't say anything or yell "hey bitch, what about you sucking my dick" and randomly follow you. But anyways you should never answer to questions like where do you live etc, and never let strangers know you're alone. And if they ask for you're age, remember to be underage.
You don't have to tell someone your personal info to seem polite. Normal people understand and probably wouldn't even try to initiate small talk , and wouldn't care and who gives a shit about what these creeps think is rude.
The problem with being in Britain is that you cannot carry anything that could be construed as a weapon. Not even nail scissors, nor mace spray. How are you supposed to scare a big bloke away then...??
How about big, sharp rings. They may be gaudy but they can leave an impression
· 7 years ago
Nope. Nothing. It sucks. We have rape alarms instead. I personally have carried a kitchen knife in my handbag before when I was out at night, which is illegal I know but wtf am I meant to do if someone attacks me? I'm 4'10 and 8 stone. Not exactly easy to defend myself physically.
Y'all need freedom. Tell people you have oil, then we'll sort out your problems
· 7 years ago
Or better yet, have the Queen do something.
· 7 years ago
The Queen can't do anything about it, she can't make laws and enforce them etc.
We have more freedom than the USA (We're ranked joint 9th with the Netherlands on the Human Freedom Index whereas the US is 17th).
You say you are free, but you are not allowed to say what you want, you cannot criticise certain groups, and you can't even take responsibility for your own well-being.
What do you think "free" means?
· 7 years ago
We can say what we want but we're responsible for our words and their after effects. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to act like an arsehole and act like you're not responsible for the damage they can cause. We can criticise all we want but it does not come without self reflection at the same time. We have a minimum living wage set as standard so people don't have to struggle and survive off of tips. We have a better sense of equality across the board, religion isn't an important factor in judging you as a person. Did you even look at the link? It'll tell you how it's all decided.
The impression I got from the link is that the institute judges equity more than they do freedom.
Freedom of speech means the state can't punish you for talking, yet I hear saying the wrong thing will have the police after you.
Minimum wage isn't meant to be a living wage. You're supposed to struggle, to carve a better future out for yourself by becoming a better worker, compromising wants for needs. Get a roommate and live within your means.
What's the point of easy living if you can't live free?
If that's the case, an anarchy would be considered the most free place. Chaos is not always worth the freedom. And how can one be considered free if they are bound by the shackles of poverty?
Anarchy is always preferable to the opposite, freedom is always worth chaos.
Thankfully, there are no caste systems in the western world, and we aren't arguing extremes.
Though there are no caste systems, it's very hard in American society to move up from your social class if you're poor. Nowadays, it's even a crime to be homeless, with the number of state laws that restrict sleeping or living in public spaces, or in other words, the only place you can sleep or live if you own no property of your own.
"It's very hard" of course it's hard. Nothing worth anything is easy.
"It's a crime to be homeless" it is not a crime to be homeless. It's a crime to sleep in public spaces, that much is true, but we have shelters for the homeless to use. Nevermind friends and family.
Which is why I'm happy that my dog doesn't connect to strangers that fast and that my sisters dog is very alarmed when other people touch us. I love to walk in this nice forest around a 15 minutes drive from my home where a woman was recently assaulted and barely got away because the men were afraid of her dog.
But even without the dog, girls and boys stay safe and potentially get taught some sort of martial arts it can save your fucking life.
It is far worse in Italy and Japan is infamous for groping in public. Not to mention India where rape in public is rampant. No, America isn't the only country with this problem
· 7 years ago
I wasn't saying it's only in America. It's that most of the complaining is from America. I'm just wondering if it's a bigger issue over there.
I think I am pretty rude/mean in general because there is no way any of that would happen. But I am shitty to people who invade my mental space without knowing me. Oh well.
I find this post very interesting because it brings a lot of perspective to lite. First, i completely agree with her that some men can disgusting and that its an enormous
Oops, i hit enter.
.... an enormous injustice that she has to go through that and change her walk area.
Take a look at this from the current societal view. She's saying that she cant treat men like people because there are a few who are pieces of trash that do horrible things (my opinion is that shes right to be causious of every man too after her experiences).
But what if the man was white. And the other men who treated her poorly were white as well... would she be correct in taking perticular causion of white men? Or would she be racist? What if the man were black? Or Muslim?
My point is that we nees to take care of ourselves and we rely on our past experiences to do it. Maybe someone has been creeped out (or worse) from multiple white men. Or harassed by Muslim men? Or robbed by Black men?
Does that make them racist or just observant?
· 7 years ago
Hmm. Sounds like these stories are springing up more and more.
And see about getting a concealed carry permit, because creeps don't give much of a damn about being brushed off.
We have more freedom than the USA (We're ranked joint 9th with the Netherlands on the Human Freedom Index whereas the US is 17th).
What do you think "free" means?
Freedom of speech means the state can't punish you for talking, yet I hear saying the wrong thing will have the police after you.
Minimum wage isn't meant to be a living wage. You're supposed to struggle, to carve a better future out for yourself by becoming a better worker, compromising wants for needs. Get a roommate and live within your means.
What's the point of easy living if you can't live free?
Thankfully, there are no caste systems in the western world, and we aren't arguing extremes.
"It's a crime to be homeless" it is not a crime to be homeless. It's a crime to sleep in public spaces, that much is true, but we have shelters for the homeless to use. Nevermind friends and family.
But even without the dog, girls and boys stay safe and potentially get taught some sort of martial arts it can save your fucking life.
.... an enormous injustice that she has to go through that and change her walk area.
Take a look at this from the current societal view. She's saying that she cant treat men like people because there are a few who are pieces of trash that do horrible things (my opinion is that shes right to be causious of every man too after her experiences).
But what if the man was white. And the other men who treated her poorly were white as well... would she be correct in taking perticular causion of white men? Or would she be racist? What if the man were black? Or Muslim?
My point is that we nees to take care of ourselves and we rely on our past experiences to do it. Maybe someone has been creeped out (or worse) from multiple white men. Or harassed by Muslim men? Or robbed by Black men?
Does that make them racist or just observant?