I saw half of this on r/niceguys and I'm glad this ended with her saying she'll get the cops invovled
· 7 years ago
Hoooooly shit. What an actual psychopath. She dodged a bullet here but I feel bad for whoever the next victim is. I hope she showed this to the police. And I adore the AoT pic at the end.
wow. Screw threatening to call the cops, there is enough there already to go ahead and do it. If he isn't stopped he's going to do this to someone else... and who knows how far he'll actually go.
What are the chances that he's bigger and stronger than her? Like 99%? This is why we have concealed carry permits...to,give her a chance to level the playing field. If she chooses not to own and train with a firearm to protect herself, that's fine. But it should be her choice, because there's not many other ways she can have a chance to defend herself.
"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
i want to punch this guy in the balls and dick repeatedly until he chokes on his own bile because NO GIRL should EVER deserve to be treated like this and no man IN THE WORLD deserves TO LIVE after shit like this. anger. pure anger for this man, I hope he's dead.
I understand your anger. It’s unacceptavle and disgusting behavior. But if we wrote death sentences for being annoying, insecure, and an asshole, very few people would make it out of college alive. This person should be ashamed, they should look at their lives and learn, change, and grow. Many people can say that years ago they wouldn’t like someone who acted like them, few people make it to adulthood without at least one instance where they should or do feel shame or guilt over their behavior. If we kill them they can’t learn, they can’t teach others what they learned the hard way. This person is not a model human being, but humans can and do change.
His father should have raised this little punk better . I can't stand weak ass "men" like this. He is all big and bad until a real man shows up , and then the fucking coward will ball up and cry, whine, whimper and say anything to not get an ass beating. "Men" like this make real men sick . I don't know if it's the result of messed up , failed parenting or an actual mental illness , but this sorry ass sack of shit needs to be put down like a rabbid dog . Ladies, let your dad, brother, and friends know about it if a guy pulls this shit with you. He already did some criminal stuff and it can get worse , probably will. He needs the whipping his parents didn't give him,now that he's a "man" it would be ok to use a motor cycle chain.
Guest. I almost always agree with your well thought out , logical statements. I wouldn't hesitate to eliminate a prick that threatened to rape my daughter , sister ect. He broke into her car. I respect your opinion ,but have to disagree this time.
@popsy- I’m with you. He needs a good strong role model to teach him not just how to respect women, but respect himself so that respecting others cane naturally. I’ve got no problem dishing out proportional ass woopings where they are due and he may we’ll be due. Any real danger to your family or loved ones that merits deadly force should be met so. Survivors get to live with guilt, learn, and philosophize after. If only one of them is making it out unharmed best believe I’d do all to make sure it was mine unless they were so far in the wrong. I don’t believe in preemptive murder, but in a dangerous situation then yes. A threat isn’t enough to kill on in most situations, but if they do ANYTHING to act on it you must defend yourself. People do dumb things. If we kill just for being dumb the turtles inherit the earth because no humans would be left. But yes- there’s a line where it’s justified- up to that line a good asswhooping acts as fair warning and a free lesson in being better
I'd say harassing neighbors, breaking into car, and making threats, put all together, justifies preemptive action. At least buy a gun, and hope there isn't a waiting period.
I’ll agree that being armed, capable, and skilled to use a weapon would be advisable there for defense. All those actions combined- if the legal system couldn’t provide recourse or safety, in my book would merit an add whooping. Some people think they can do what they want. Killing them won’t teach them otherwise it just removes a possible threat. But words and petty crimes aren’t a justification to kill a person. Only where an immediate or certain danger is present and no other viable option to alleviate the threat can I say deadly force is justified. Otherwise you’d have people thinking they could legally kill each other for telling “yo mamma” jokes or a heated “oh yeah? I know where you live!” These people aren’t the best of humanity but since when has not fitting our sensibilities been a death sentence? That’s a slippery slope.
Thankfully that isn't a slope we have to consider in this scenario, the guy is clearly unhinged and has the knowledge and ability to do harm to this unfortunate woman. She needs to be ready for when he has intent.
Frankly, I wouldn't factor in the state, she can't have a 24/7 protection detail, and the authorities aren't any less fallible than Average Joe, nevermind that getting him on harassment charges may only serve to provoke him into something overt.
"Be not afraid of any man
No matter what his size
If danger threatens, call on me
And I will equalize"
I’m not saying she shouldn’t have a gun, or a weapon, or training if she desires. I’m just saying that we can’t hunt down and kill people because they’ve shown they can be a threat. That’s literally the exact logic people use when they try to ban guns. Prison rules only work in prison. If “I killed them before they could hurt me” was legally defensible there’s be no reason you couldn’t kill just about anyone you wanted and find a way to justify it. Sometimes protecting yourself means going outside the law, but if you’re breaking laws I suggest starting on the mellow end and working up as needed instead of jumping straight to premeditated homicide.
I was fairly well trained in a variety of weapons, and hand to hand combat. I have seen the best and worst of humanity, in some pretty shity conditions. I do my best to avoid certain confrontations , but I wouldn't hesitate to protect my kids, wife, grandkids or any other kid. A man that has never been in a single fight can become quite dangerous when it comes to their kids, and momma bare don't mess around either. I always enjoy Famousone , Guest , and Pokethebear comments when it comes to serious issues.
You sound like someone who's been around the block. I wouldn't mind hearing about that if you ever feel like talking about it.
Also, I'm glad you appreciate my input. Means a lot to me, and I hope you know it's mutual.
Yeah. We butt heads on occasion but Inrespect y’all and think the world needs what y’all have to offer. I’m glad to know you’re families are in good hands. The only person you can always count on to rescue you in a jam is yourself. No one wins them all, but you just have to win the ones that matter.
Or, is fucked up.
Probably both.
"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
Frankly, I wouldn't factor in the state, she can't have a 24/7 protection detail, and the authorities aren't any less fallible than Average Joe, nevermind that getting him on harassment charges may only serve to provoke him into something overt.
"Be not afraid of any man
No matter what his size
If danger threatens, call on me
And I will equalize"
Also, I'm glad you appreciate my input. Means a lot to me, and I hope you know it's mutual.