*deep inhale*
*deeper exhale*
If it makes more sense for you to understand
Think of a man's weakness as the emotional characteristics of a woman, while it's a man's physical characteristics that's a woman's strength.
A lot more factors go into marriage, but this is what the post emphasizes.
Bleh. If we just taught men to deal with their emotions, they could go into relationships as whole human beings. I ain't your mother, I ain't here to deal with your "I can't express myself" BS.
You meander through ten adult friendships that involve you doing all the emotional labor to help a grown-ass man figure out how to articulate "that makes me feel insecure" cause neither parent apparently bothered to teach him and see how much time you have left for tact.
Facts are facts. We know on the whole society tends to restrict women in social roles and men in a narrow range of emotional expression. When it comes to emotion men are encouraged to not explore their feelings and certainly to only emote them in retain ways. Perhaps this is a factor in the often observed relative immaturity of men. Women are allowed and encouraged to develop emotionally while men are not. This "extra familiarity" could give women an early start on emotional maturity, and the ability to not need to resort to more childish ways of expression such as deflection or signaling. Just my thought there. But I see nothing wrong with the sentiment that society should encourage people to be more emotionally expressive, so long as it respects those who simply don't want to engage in that level.
When a person loves another that person becomes both their greatest strength and weakness. They are driven by desires beyond themselves to care and protect that love. For that person they will go further and do more than they would for anyone save maybe themselves. They have one more reason to try and suceed, but to truly love is to be vulnerable. To truly love is to have another know your best and worst, your hopes, dreams, fears, and secrets. You let them in and make them part of your life. You give them the power to hurt you deeply and badly. Their bad days become your bad days, and their faults and mistakes effect your life as yours do theirs. Ultimately if love endures two lives overlap and you exist as both individuals and as a couple, sharing responsibilities and benefits. This is what it means to share your life with someone.
Wait no if loving a woman makes the man weak, then lesbians just have both weaknesses right? And loving men makes stronger, so gay men have infinite strength, the post got that right.
· 7 years ago
"Heterosexual culture."
Wha? You niggas think we get together and have super rad Hetero festivals or some shit? Do we have our own music genre or what?
What are you on?
Technically yes? As the majority dominant culture people tend not to notice unless they are "an outsider" to that culture. We just take for granted the works is a certain way, but if we stop and think we can see from the perspective of the LGBTQ+ community how "everyday" things are not tailored to include or even acknowledge them. "Gay" culture, like many smaller groups is appropriated in the mainstream as seen desirable but not usually recognized. Imagine being in a foreign country like Japan where customs and the like are very different from most of the west. To you the sirens, traffic patterns, common courtesies would all be foreign, but to a local they wouldn't see anything out of place or possibly even realize things weren't just like that for everyone unless they'd experienced or been told otherwise.
· 7 years ago
I fail to see how being a gay person where the general populace is straight equates to being an American in Japan with no prior knowledge of Japanese culture and its customs. I would imaging a gay American has similar experiences to a straight American for the most part, one just happens to like boys instead of girls. I mean, you have other examples, I'm sure?
American sex ed. Does not, in like 90% of the country, explain anything about homosexuality, except mentioning maybe once that people who like partners of the same sex are called homosexual. Just straight-up assumes no one has that preference or needs that info.
^^. It's not meant as a direct comparison. The closest example would be- being gay in a mostly straight oriented culture, but it was obvious you didn't understand that, so it was more meant to give an example most people could empathize with or better imagine for general feeling. We've all been "outsiders" or a minority in some situation or another. Perhaps empathy isn't the way to go. So then I would ask- to you, what is required for a group to be said to have its own culture?
'Heterosexual Culture' I could not give two shits about consenting do whatever the privacy of there own home. I believe that if two people love each other they should be able to get married, shared beninfits and the whole nine yards. It doesn't always have to turn into straight people bashing.
I agree with you overall, but I don't see where there's bashing. The person talking about heterosexual culture only said they found this element unappealing and weird. I find Lutefisk(sp)- Norwegian fish cold cooked in lye- unappealing and weird. I don't begrudge people enjoyment of it. It's just that where I grew up and live we don't really have anything similar. The unique conditions and history of the area made it make sense. So to me it is weird because it's not part of my daily life or environment, and unappealing because it is very unlike the types of food, flavors, smells, and textures I'm used to. As for brining up heterosexual culture- really what else would something be which specifically pertains to heterosexual relationships and thought dynamics but heterosexual? Part of coexistence is acknowledging people have differences and respecting them. We can't make any one group the "default" without reducing others to "oddities." We know what is "normal" for us isn't for all.
*deeper exhale*
If it makes more sense for you to understand
Think of a man's weakness as the emotional characteristics of a woman, while it's a man's physical characteristics that's a woman's strength.
A lot more factors go into marriage, but this is what the post emphasizes.
how much more superior can you act
Wha? You niggas think we get together and have super rad Hetero festivals or some shit? Do we have our own music genre or what?
What are you on?