I once switched the cables of the projector so the teacher didn't understand why it wasn't working and as he couldn't show his powerpoint he decided to cancel class. No one ever found out it was me though.
One thing I got in trouble for was in sport class, the teacher had set big gym-stuff (idk, it looks like plastic but it feels like a mattress and there were different shapes, like blocks, some were triangular...) Anyways, we were supposed to run, touch them, go back. But me and 3 other girls were behind him and I started to climb onto the first one and jump from one to another and back. Another did the same but she fell, and so the teacher turned and saw us. It felt very unfair because we were doing sports anyways.
i started a blackhawk helicopter when the army visited for careers day, got my friends to prevent others from entering cockpit, but i was quickly put on the ground and suspended for two weeks after. worth it for the status.
Dumbest thing I got in trouble for was putting a hole in a wall in the hallway that I actually didn’t do. But they saw me on camera inspecting the damaged wall, assumed it was me, and gave me Saturday detention for it.
So, the teachers kid was in our class and he was a big troublemaker. He was being really loud and she didn't want to get him in trouble so she didn't do anything about the guys who were shouting in the middle of class. What she did instead was kick everybody who didn't bring a book she didn't ask everyone to bring to school out of the class. In the hallway, the vice principle found us and called our parents. Thankfully at leasy the next year the guy just transferred to a new school, but yeah, that happened and it was the first and last time my parents were called to school.
About 7 of us tormented our English teacher for a year by randomly answering questions as Lil Jon and then echoing sayings around.
The best I ever saw though... was when I watched homie find out a sub was from Canada and super nationalist.. so he stood up and straight butchered the Canadian anthem while substituting cliches to the point the sub started to cry like a little bitch. It was amazing. That one was on video though, he had the class before us and showed us during passing period for the heads up.
The Lil Jon may not be the best, but fuck was it fun.
edit: 99% sure I've told this 2 stories together before, but w/e they are awesome imo.
edit 2: I realized I never got in trouble for either of those... so either stealing french fries or when a teacher tried to claim we cheated on homework she said we could work together on. She got butthurt 90% of us had the same answers. Screw her, that was teamwork.
All children do silly things at one point... I convinced my friends to change everyone's clothes in the swimming pool changing rooms when I was 8. Confusion ensued and they(my friends) got into trouble... Not me, I was the sweetest, smallest kiddo. Butter didn't melt. Annoyed the teachers ;-)
What they didn't wasn't a harmless prank though. It was malicious. Loud noises can be physically painful for people who wear hearing aids.
· 7 years ago
Well, I stole my gym teachers microwave from his office but since they didn’t have any actual evidence I got off with just questioning
Although I did get caught for stealing a bathroom key
Making copies and selling them
My English teacher in grade 8 was in a school play where she played a psychic named Madame Zenora, and while borrowing her computer I changed her autocorrect so it would change her name to Madame Zenora.
She wasn't mad, she was more so impressed and confused by how I managed to do so
One thing I got in trouble for was in sport class, the teacher had set big gym-stuff (idk, it looks like plastic but it feels like a mattress and there were different shapes, like blocks, some were triangular...) Anyways, we were supposed to run, touch them, go back. But me and 3 other girls were behind him and I started to climb onto the first one and jump from one to another and back. Another did the same but she fell, and so the teacher turned and saw us. It felt very unfair because we were doing sports anyways.
The best I ever saw though... was when I watched homie find out a sub was from Canada and super nationalist.. so he stood up and straight butchered the Canadian anthem while substituting cliches to the point the sub started to cry like a little bitch. It was amazing. That one was on video though, he had the class before us and showed us during passing period for the heads up.
The Lil Jon may not be the best, but fuck was it fun.
edit: 99% sure I've told this 2 stories together before, but w/e they are awesome imo.
edit 2: I realized I never got in trouble for either of those... so either stealing french fries or when a teacher tried to claim we cheated on homework she said we could work together on. She got butthurt 90% of us had the same answers. Screw her, that was teamwork.
Although I did get caught for stealing a bathroom key
Making copies and selling them
She wasn't mad, she was more so impressed and confused by how I managed to do so