You should watch critikal's video about them as unless something changed really recently twitch basically never enforced it on female streamers but would ban men for even a joke nip slip
Yo if I was a dude I'd totally dress up as a girl for that
· 7 years ago
as far i know atleast twitch is banning people who wear sexually attractive clothes (like shirts with a big V cutout, just a bra, no pants etc).. they even banned a guy who don't had a shirt on in summer because their agb & a guy who don't had pants on (the webcam didn't showed it).
A friend of mine said she wanted to do this so I looked it up on YouTube. This one girl was making like a grand an hour. Then some person tipped her $5k and she didn't notice. So then he tipped $7k. She still didn't notice. So he finally gave her $10k and she started crying. Hell I would too
The demand is weird considering there are literally porn camgirls where they actually do something. Like the people giving the twitch tits money would be better going to one of those sites
Nice choice of words and photos, disinformation at its finest. Twitch is actually offering small grants to female streamers, especially the one who are still students, so that they can invest in cameras, go to conventions, and so on. Because they wish Twitch and other videogame-related platforms stopped being so predominantly male and misogynistic to the point where this kind of dumb male-manufactured bullshit is spread all over the place without anyone remotely doubting it and searching for fucking sources. (And, just to be clear: I'm a male. I'm just pissed off. Twitch tries to make a male-dominated place a better place for women, and some dumb fucks just do THIS, and everybody goes with the flow. Seriously. Also, fuck that other guest and his "cam whore" lame excuse of a joke.)
Ooohhhh...wait until the "equal pay for all situations" people get ahold of this inequality between women and men's pay! JK, the outrage only goes in one direction.
But man, whoever runs Twitch is doing an amazing job