Within that moment you realize you left the light on, the door is open, your dog just took a huge one, you just remembered you forgot to do a very important assignment, someone is in the front door, you have to go to the bathroom, you are also all of a sudden extremely hungry, and to top it all off your brain decides it is no longer sleepy instead let us all remember all the mistakes you made, all the many different types of scenarios your loved ones will die, and how you done fucked up your love life.
*in perfect position*
*dog dies, someone had a heart attack, robber is stealing shit, bomb is under my bed, people won't stop talking, and a tiny orb just told I have to fulfill my destiny*
*dog dies, someone had a heart attack, robber is stealing shit, bomb is under my bed, people won't stop talking, and a tiny orb just told I have to fulfill my destiny*
Happens more often than I'd like to admit.