I wouldn't let a man go in the bathroom with a girl either, transitioning , janitor, manager, I wouldn't care. Knocking some teeth out had to come after the wtf , get out of here moment.
In theory to their argument t also shows that all you need to do to stop such threats of predation is to... crazy I know.... supervise your children in public spaces where perverts might be. Cause I dunno- that person can go in the changing rooms, the parking lot, anywhere else your child is. If you’re that concerned you might actually have to do the unthinkable and be a parent. Unpopular I know- but it is a solution that allows people to use the bathroom and according to this at least ensures safety to children.
I don’t know man. Are you supposed to follow them to school, or follow them everywhere else? Are you supposed to follow them into the locker room as teens, to the beach, to the bathroom and on dates at 30? Being a parent is scary. Lots can go wrong and the world is full of sickos. Men and women both (but especially women) will live their whole lives at risk of such assaults sadly. My point wasn’t that you should follow them everywhere, my point is that the logic that keeping trans folks and the like to a certain bathroom doesn’t make things safer in a realistic way more than it makes people feel safer. If all those pedophiles with penises want to do anything in the bathroom- why are they any less likely to use the men’s and do it to a little boy? Either way you can’t just figure they’re safe alone.
That downvote tells you what you need to know. Ain’t no one interested in none of your fancy facts. There’s a fear to be had and dagnub it if people will be deprived of irrational fear as justification for expressions of prejudice and resistance to social change by some pesky facts.
· 6 years ago
It never occurs to these people that child molestors want to fuck little boys too. And they don't need to pretend to be a woman to do it.
It’ll probably move, but currently right above this in another thread I brought up that same exact point. There’s no reason to believe Sex offenders would target little girls any more than little boys. There’s no reason that a “passing” male for female couldn’t walk in any way since beyond saying “you look manish” there’s no way to tell and women’s stalks have closed doors so a sitting male wouldn’t be noticed. There’s not presently an epidemic of bathroom child abductions- and to the person who wants to bring proof there is- then why aren’t we focused on stopping that instead of on who should pee where? This I mark as one of those points of history that if remembered in the future at all will make them face palm about how stupid and silly people of the past were.
In a nation of over 300 million people, overseen by security cameras, cell phones, and "anecdotal evidence", finding an "actual" event of one's professed bias seems almost guaranteed.
Certainly, but an event a pattern does not make. 300 million plus diverse people, areas, and cultures. Each facing its own challenges and each effected by any one thing to differing degrees. Human suffering cannot be readily quantified or compared, but at the least statistics can help frame perspective to make an informed decision instead of an emotional decision.
I am pretty dumb about a lot of today's gender issues. I don't hold predjudice against them, I just am confused by all the genders today. People can do what they want or feels right for them. I just don't want a man around girls or boys. I will go wait by the sink for my grandson to do his business in a multiple urinal /stall bathroom. I used to have the girls go together . Gender aside, anybody, of any sex, religion or whatever that harms a child , needs to exit this life.
I understand. I agree. And yet, the statistics on incidence of sexual assault upon a child show that a stranger commits about 7% of them. 92+% of all sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the child - and assault by a stranger is far more likely to be reported than that done by a trusted adult. As a survivor who found reporting to be a less than positive result, I applaud your care of your grandson and give caution that your "bad guys" are far more likely to be closer to home.
This is quite the case of judging a book by its' cover, however that cover may have changed. If we are ever to make inroads upon the actual problems in our society, we need to look far deeper to accept people for who they are and help them be good people when they have problems rather than force them to push it all into hiding.
This is quite the case of judging a book by its' cover, however that cover may have changed. If we are ever to make inroads upon the actual problems in our society, we need to look far deeper to accept people for who they are and help them be good people when they have problems rather than force them to push it all into hiding.