This came up on news feed the other day and I couldn't stop laughing XD I hope the bastard was joking. It reminded me of when a former friend (male and about late 30s) thought that if women masturbated and used toys then the man must be shit in bed because (according to his fucked logic) if a man is good in bed then a woman just shouldn't want or need to masturbate at all. When I said to him "men wank off because they like it don't they?" His reply was "yeah but that's different." When I explained to him that it wasn't different at all and we do it because we ENJOY it he looked at me like I told him the sea was made from baked beans. He's a fucking idiot, which is not surprising when he believes in things like Nibiru crashing into Earth etc. There's a reason he's a former friend.
I don't think that this level of stupidity is gender bais. Like the senator that thought women could prevent rape by just willing it not to let it happen or some shit.
They always do that
Aww... so sweet.