Never really realized how well-liked I was at school until this total douchebag paid another guy 10 bucks to punch me in the face but the guy wouldn't do it.
· 7 years ago
I haven't been truly bullied since kindergarten and even then it didn't really affect me.
This kid at my school had a physical disability and would use that to basically be an ass and get away with it. I remember him spreading around the school that I was a 'dyke' and a 'lesbian' (this was a private catholic school so being gay was a no no) even though I wasn't. Since admin wouldn't do anything, I found him, grabbed him by the neck and told him if he didn't stop spreading this crap that he would be done for - he shut up after that. I don't like resorting to violence, but when admin won't do anything, you have to look out for yourself sometimes.
We've always had bullies. School saying they're against bullying is such a lie. They can't stop it completely. What stops a bully is punching them in the face. What schools need to do is stop suspending kids when they are only defending themselves. Parents also need to stop teaching kids there's never a reason to hit someone, bc there is. If someone is picking on you, hit them back!
This one guy I knew would ceaselessly fuck with people, pushing them around and spreading rumors and sometimes he would fuck with people's equipment in weights class. He was gay, and would accuse anyone who stood up to him of homophobia. Didn't work on me. I got in his face and told him the truth, a few separate times. "If you touch my bar while I'm lifting, I'm dropping it on your throat", "We both know Tyler (special needs kid) doesn't understand you're bullying him, but if it keeps up I will beat you down", etc. One day he tries to accuse me of being a coward who's too afraid to actually do anything to him. So I rack my bar, loudly. Then I stand up, still breathing heavy. I take my 5'2" 165 lb self, walk up to his 5'11" 225 lb ass. I look the fucker in eye, stick out my chin, and say "The first one's free, make it count". Half the class was watching and we just stood there for a minute. I was literally daring him to do it. I looked him in the eye, squared my shoulders, and then
Got back to my sets. He still tries to start shit, but I only need to walk towards him for him to decide that he's better off doing something else. One of the finest moments of my high school career, if I say so myself.
Before my daughter ever started school we explained how to deal with bullies.
1. Tell them "please leave me alone"
2. If they don't than walk away
3. If they follow you and still bully you tell them "if you don't leave me alone I will tell a teacher"
4. If they STILL won't stop than go tell the teacher that you asked them to stop you even walked away and even said you tell on them but they won't stop and you need help.
And she did this. After a week of her doing this and the teacher did nothing I had to call the school. There was a little girl 2 grades higher picking on her while she was in kindergarten. The fucking teacher said she thought she was just tattle telling.
And recently just a few weeks ago I got a call that a boy was saying he break my kids phone (she uses it tell call me to let me know she is on her way home she rides a bus and the bus is NEVER on time) and has in the past sent her hateful texts. So my kid punched him in the arm.
He got a month of ISS and my kid got her lunch and recess taken for a week where during lunch she has to eat by her self in the office and for recess she sits on a bench. It was only due to her punching him. But everyone at the school knows her because of her health issues and she is a good kid so after half the first day the teacher let her go free lol. While the other kid acted up more and got a extra month.
That's really awesome and I'm so sorry your daughter has to go through that. I'm so glad your methods are working but in wondering what you have in mind for when she's older? Because if my kids went through what I went through I'd have no idea what to tell them. I was verbally bullied and socially isolated. Rumors were spread around about me but I had no idea what they were I just know how people acted towards me. Also, I remember being called a whore a lot but not directly to my face. I just remember that people would tell me what they were saying but I had no idea what to do because I wasn't involved in the conversation and they could always just deny it. So what do you think they could do in that situation?
I'm sorry but if you beat their ass right away it stops right away. It also keeps it from becoming something really huge, like lots of people ganging up to bully. If you tell it never stops. Even if teachers say something to the bully, they'll bully you behind the teachers backs. It makes other kids mad at you for telling on someone and then before you know it you'll have half the class picking on you.
I have been already getting her ready for jr high and highschool. We told her when in Jr high or highschool she will need to learn to throw cut downs and bullying right back at them.
For example they say you are ugly you say something like o I'm sorry I don't recall telling you I give a rats ass what you think.
Or if they say something about her weight say something like I can always lose weight but you will always be ugly.
And if the is a fight walk off tell them I am not going to fight you it is wrong to hit the mentally challenged.
I really only had one person try to bully me in 7th grade and I got suspended from school when I stood up to him. When my Dad came to pick me up from the school after the admins called him, he asked me 2 questions. Who hit who first? And did I leave a mark?
I told him the other kid hit me first and I gave him a broken nose and a black eye.
He took me out for ice cream and when I went back to school the next week the kid never spoke a word to me again. And never had a problem with bullies again.
1. Tell them "please leave me alone"
2. If they don't than walk away
3. If they follow you and still bully you tell them "if you don't leave me alone I will tell a teacher"
4. If they STILL won't stop than go tell the teacher that you asked them to stop you even walked away and even said you tell on them but they won't stop and you need help.
And she did this. After a week of her doing this and the teacher did nothing I had to call the school. There was a little girl 2 grades higher picking on her while she was in kindergarten. The fucking teacher said she thought she was just tattle telling.
And recently just a few weeks ago I got a call that a boy was saying he break my kids phone (she uses it tell call me to let me know she is on her way home she rides a bus and the bus is NEVER on time) and has in the past sent her hateful texts. So my kid punched him in the arm.
For example they say you are ugly you say something like o I'm sorry I don't recall telling you I give a rats ass what you think.
Or if they say something about her weight say something like I can always lose weight but you will always be ugly.
And if the is a fight walk off tell them I am not going to fight you it is wrong to hit the mentally challenged.
I told him the other kid hit me first and I gave him a broken nose and a black eye.
He took me out for ice cream and when I went back to school the next week the kid never spoke a word to me again. And never had a problem with bullies again.