I hate myself so much I'm making myself live and go through the horror and suffering that is a lonely life without anybody that I can give or receive love from and when I turn seventy I'll look back on my what appears to be a very successful life but in actuality was very hollow and devoid of meaning or happiness and then I'll break down and cry like a bitch until I collapse from dehydration and finally die.
Hell is where the fun people are.
Considering this website... I'ma say we're all going there.
I can also conclude that we'll make a time of it.... like the halls of Valhalla.
Heaven/Hell... the difference is what you make it.
Guest, this is romanticizing. They're making mental illness seem pretty or cute by saying suicidal people are homesick angels. It's making it seem way less serious than it is.
I wonder if guest just forgot to add a comma or they are actually stupid lol. There is a big difference between "ppl, don’t romanticise mental illness and suicide challenge" and what guest said. stupid commas
People need to stop making suicide, depression, or any mental illness something popular and "cool" to be. It's pathetic, everyone that has any sense can see right through the facade. It makes you look stupid. It is completely offensive to anyone who has had serious problems with these disorders.
I'm gonna get downvoted but I wanted to point out that the person who wrote that is most certainly suicidal themselves, and it's better for them if they see themselves as angels rather than trash. It can help in some cases. We all do that, call ourselves heroes for things we wished didn't happen to us and such, because sometimes everything is good to help you hold on.
I wish it was that easy
Considering this website... I'ma say we're all going there.
I can also conclude that we'll make a time of it.... like the halls of Valhalla.
Heaven/Hell... the difference is what you make it.