Ah yes. I’ve never seen a single ceo, lawyer, real estate mogul, etc. who people would say is “an asshole.” Also- the “asshole” looks like K-fed, who has probably made more before he was 40 than many people will make in their lives. But here’s a thought: maybe “assholes” tend to come off as confident, assertive, ask for what they want, and so are more likely to get it than someone who sits around waiting for the universe to pay them back for being so “good.” Maybe good guys who get ahead learn they can have those traits and not all the asshole traits. And maybe many “sluts” are young and not ready to prioritize stability and in their youth are more interested in exciting and flashy things but eventually change priorities. Or maybe they just see something in a guy you don’t? But if it makes you feel better to pretend then by all means...