Adult ones are supposed to be about the size of a quarter. I've never seen one bigger than a nickel and those could potentially put a bad hole in your arm. I'd hate to see what a huge one could do.
Edited 6 years ago
· 6 years ago
I'll be honest, I laughed my ass off when I read "the size of a quarter" because I've never seen one smaller than a dollar coin.
If they are brown recluse- there are only gonna be a lot of pain, a little bit of necrosis and perhaps ulceration. If you have bad luck: cardivascular collapse, dic and rhabdo.. nothing more. Feel safe
But if that much are walking around at your house in just one night (there are more, because just a few got trapped! Think about the rest of the house.. ) .. I would be scared.
nope-ilus nope-erincus