Self interest is almost always the key. A person will want what is best for them, or what impacts them the least negatively. We associate with groups we see having common interest as the strength of the group makes it more likely we get an advantageous outcome. Most all humans behave this way. The key is in being as fair as possible while making sure to allow equitable benefits to each individual- or more manageably on a large scale- group. Her mentality here is very self centered, countering with a self centered mentality doesn’t make one any better. Some people just don’t care about “fair” and only want what benefits them without concern for others. When people like this clash, we end up with problems like we face today. We tend to elect officials with this mindset who we identify with our group as we feel they will best protect our own interests. Imagine a world where we were above that- where we made concessions based on equitable distribution and not on wanting more for ourselves.
Honey, we move furniture so when you marry a man that has 12 million dollars because you give him a blow job weekly, you can’t move it yourself out of your moms basement, unemployed piece of shit.
Key words right there.