People in general tend to be happier with a few factors. Having a rewarding career is one, having challenges that keep the mind busy but don’t overwhelm, being paid enough to not stress bills and being able to afford what they want, having the skill to excel in their passions, and having meaningful personal relationships. These things tend to be more likely for intelligent people, not less likely. Wether it’s emotional or other types of intelligence- both help to place one in a better position in life. That is perhaps the qualifier here. Intelligent people are more likely to be unhappy when that intelligence is being under utilized or squandered. Arguably it is easier to be bored when you are intelligent. But- in the ven diagram it’s misleading to see that the circles of “smart” and “unhappy” overlap in some places and blame one on the other just as the logic many have that they must be unhappy because they are so much smarter than the “idiots” who surround them.
I think you're confusing intelligence with quality of life.
Just because you're a miserable fuck doesn't mean you're bright. If anything, you might be dumb because you can't get your shit together.
I unfortunately know a few people who are depressed about things that they do not understand or cannot fully grasp. I for one sees knowledge as a way to improve and ensure future happiness. The more you know, the better you can avoid or overcome things and situations that cause unhappiness.
(Man that seems like balony)
I understand what you're saying, but personally I've never ever understood something to an extent where I was happy /content with my knowledge, there's always been like nagging thoughts about something I didn't get yet
Lol. I like your pun. Your opinions seem to be supportive of each other, it’s just perspective. If a goal and the process are a journey from a start to an end, we can look ahead and see that we may have a long way to go to the goal, or like with a goal such as knowledge, we may see that there is no end in sight no matter how far we travel. Somit is our perspective that dictates if we are continually looking ahead at what is left to do with negativity, or if we look behind us at how far we have already come and are happy that we are so far from where we started, even if there’s a long way to go. It’s fact that some journeys like knowledge, we will likely never reach “the absolute end” of knowing all before we die. So if we are only content to reach the end, we can never really appreaciate what we have done. We can be happy with what we have done without giving up on what we still want to do, that is the balance of ambition and happiness, to enjoy the journey but not to cal that the end.
Just because you're a miserable fuck doesn't mean you're bright. If anything, you might be dumb because you can't get your shit together.
I understand what you're saying, but personally I've never ever understood something to an extent where I was happy /content with my knowledge, there's always been like nagging thoughts about something I didn't get yet